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Coronavirus: It’s too early to learn from the changing caseload – News Switzerland: Coronavirus

Everyone is watching the evolution of the curve of people infected with coronavirus in the canton. It continues to climb, “but the number of cases per day is settling a little,” noted, on Monday, the cantonal doctor, Karim Boubaker, before adding that it is still too early to learn any lesson. On Sunday, the canton counted 1782 confirmed cases and sixteen deaths.

The Joux valley

Of the sixteen people who have died of coronavirus to date, five come from the Joux Valley. A significant share – almost a third – which is surprising. “This is a special situation,” admitted Karim Boubaker, “but we have no special measures to take other than following it closely.” The director general of Pôle santé de la Vallée, Pascale Meylan, dismisses possible causes linked to a lack of personnel or equipment: “We are in the same situation as all our Vaudois colleagues. No more no less.” However, it stresses that the Combier site offers medico-social accommodation and therefore welcomes residents who are more vulnerable to the disease. For Karim Boubaker, who speaks of “very old patients (85 to 95 years old) with multiple comorbidities”, it could also be that the large number of infections originates from parties that would have taken place before taking the measures aimed at stemming the spread of the virus.

Drug requisition

The State Council decided to requisition the existing stocks of Plaquenil, as allowed by the law on public health. This medication, better known as chloroquine, may be effective against the coronavirus. “The experts consulted believe that this is an experimental treatment, the use of which should be reserved for Covid-19 infections which require hospital treatment,” said State Councilor Rebecca Ruiz. The government is asking doctors to limit the prescription of this substance to patients with chronic diseases requiring treatment with chloroquine. Other drugs may be requisitioned in the future.

The cities

The heat wave plan, which serves as the basis for dealing with the epidemic, has been extended to people over the age of 65. The population will receive a letter from the Communes explaining the procedure to follow in order to benefit from support. “Clearly, what we want is that people over the age of 65 no longer go to shops,” said Denis Froidevaux, chief of the cantonal driving staff. Solutions will be provided to seniors for shopping or organizing transport through the Communes.

Besides, the Council of State has decreed a certain number of services that the Communes must maintain, such as waste management, water purification or financial services. And “only the essential administrative tasks are maintained,” said State Councilor Christelle Luisier. As such, the Communes must refrain from any notification including deadlines (appeals, inquiries, etc.), except in the case of “absolute urgency”. “The watchword is to avoid administrative zeal,” said Christelle Luisier. To keep a semblance of institutional functioning, the municipal or general Councils can take decisions, but without meeting and without deliberation. Votes will be cast by correspondence and the Communes must first request authorization from the Council of State.


The circular building constructed on the site of the University of Lausanne is “immediately operational” to house medical personnel, in particular. On the ground, the Civil Protection deployed 730 people. On the police side, 700 police are on the job. To date, they have made 30 denunciations to the Public Prosecutor’s Office for collection and addressed 56 tickets.

Finally, the authorities are calling on families not to shop with others so as not to clog up food businesses.

Created: 23.03.2020, 21h44

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