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Coronavirus Italy Bulletin today: Covid infections of November 26 – Chronicle

Rome, November 26, 2020 – From bulletin of today of the Ministry of Health with data on the progress of the epidemic of Coronavirus in Italy (new infections, deaths, hospitalizations, intensive care and healed) comes one good news: for the first time in the second wave the number of people admitted to intensive care is decreasing: – 2 compared to yesterday. For the third consecutive day also the number of hospitalized with symptoms. It always remains high on number of dead (822) while the positive-swabs processed ratio rises compared to yesterday and the number of new positives also increases.

Important numbers in these hours when the government is at work (Conte summit-heads of delegation and summit with Regions and Municipalities) to prepare the new Dpcm which will have to replace the one that expires on December 3. Movements, meetings, curfews, the nodes to be resolved. Tomorrow then (Friday) will be the day on which the Minister Speranza will sign the new ordinances that will eventually change color to the regions (red, orange and yellow zone). And again tomorrow the Higher Institute of Health will make public the weekly report with the new regional and national Rt indices. Tomorrow, after the control room, the Scientific Technical Committee will meet. There remains the unknown holidays in the snow and on ski resorts: in Europe the Germany is ready for a ban until January 10.

Pediatricians say: “Reopen schools to avoid educational crises”.

On the economic front, the French economy minister, Bruno the Mayor, in a joint press conference with the MEF after the meeting with Minister Roberto Gualtieri, expressed his hope for a united France-Italy response to the crisis triggered by the pandemic.

Covid data today

Overall, since the beginning of the epidemic in Italy, the positivity of 1,509,875 people, + 29,003 (yesterday + 25,853). People currently positive are 795.845, + 4.148 (yesterday – 6.689), i discharged / healed are 661.180, +24.031 (yesterday + 31.819), i dead are 52.850, + 822 (yesterday + 722), i hospitalized with symptoms are 34.038, – 275 (yesterday – 264), in intensive care there are 3,846 patients, – 2 (yesterday +32). 232,711 were tried tampons (yesterday 230.007): consequently the new positives-swabs ratio today is 12.46% (yesterday 11.2%). As regards the Regions, Lombardy is the one with the most infections + 5,697, ahead of Veneto (3,980), Campania (3,008), Piedmont (2,751).

The chart

The territories / Veneto

The governor of the Veneto, Luca Zaia, illustrated today’s data from Veneto: “44,337 people are in isolation, 1200 people have left, the positives are 134,056, + 3,980 in the last 24 hours. The hospitalized are 2,579 + 50 in the 24 hours, the therapies intensive are 323 -1, the deaths are 3501 +72, 6706 are the discharged +120 released yesterday “.

Emilia Romagna

In Emilia Romagna 2,157 Covid positives were discovered in the last 24 hours, through 2,157 swabs. Just under half (961) are asymptomatic, discovered thanks to screening and contact tracing activities. There are another 55 dead.


There are 5,697 new positives registered today in Lombardy. The number of victims is high, 207, bringing the total to 21,212 since the beginning of the pandemic. The number of healed was also high (3,118).


In Tuscany there are 1,351 more positives than yesterday (779 identified in the course of tracing and 572 from screening activities) out of a total, since the beginning of the epidemic, of 99,327 units. New cases are 1.4% more than the previous day’s total. The average age of 1,351 cases today is approximately 48 years (12% are under 20, 23% between 20 and 39, 36% between 40 and 59, 20% between 60 and 79, 9% are 80 or older). There are 72 new deaths.


New positives increase in Lazio. “Today, out of 26 thousand swabs, there are 2,260 cases”, announces the regional health councilor, Alessio D’Amato. Yesterday the new positives were 2,102 out of 29 thousand swabs performed. The number of deaths is also growing: today there are 69 compared to 58 yesterday. The healed in the last 24 hours were 1,253.


There are 519 new infections detected in Market. In the last 24 hours, 2,905 swabs were tested: 2,115 in the new diagnosis path and 790 in the healed path. Of the 519 cases today, 148 have been recorded in the province of Macerata where the positives from the beginning of the emergency rise to 6,313, 110 in Ancona (8,313), 102 in Pesaro-Urbino (5,638), 60 in Fermo (3,244), 78 in Ascoli Piceno (3,678) and 21 from outside the region (887).


3,008 new cases emerged in the last 24 hours in Campania from the analysis of 23,761 swabs. The percentage of positive swabs out of the total swabs analyzed was 12.6%. The dead are 49 but it is specified that these are deaths which occurred between 7 and 25 November.


Today in Puglia 1,436 new cases of Coronavirus positivity were detected out of 9,612 tests carried out, and 52 deaths were recorded. The new positive cases are 619 in the province of Bari, 117 in the province of Brindisi, 200 in the province of BAT, 163 in the province of Foggia, 111 in the province of Lecce, 220 in the province of Taranto, 9 residents outside the region.

The other regions

In Basilicata today another 297 cases and 3 deaths. In Abruzzo 570 new cases and 20 deaths (of which 12 in recent days but reported only today). In Val d’Aosta 44 cases and 5 deaths. In Sardinia 405 cases and 5 deaths. In Friuli Venezia Giulia 814 infections and 26 deaths. In Liguria 570 new cases and 14 deaths.

The other news today

Budget gap: even the center-right votes yes

Buffer for those who will spend Christmas abroad

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