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Coronavirus Italia, the new infections in Lombardy and Veneto

The cases of contagion of new Coronavirus (Covid-19) in Italy continue to increase. After Friday, in which 15 people were identified infected in Lombardy and two in Veneto, one of which died, the number of infected patients rose on Saturday to 32 in Lombardy and 9 in Veneto. There are two victims in total: one in Veneto, the other, who died this morning in Lombardy. Restrictive measures such as those decided for 10 municipalities at risk in the Lodi area they were also adopted in Vo ’Euganeo and Teolo, in Veneto. The death toll worldwide now, according to the Johns Hopkins University calculation, at an altitude of 2,360, out of 77,662 infections. The director of the World Health Organization, Tedros Adhanom, wrote on Twitter that in 80% of cases, mild coronavirus infection, in 20% critical; in 2% of reported cases, the fatal virus.

• There is one second Italian victim, a woman residing in Casalpusterlengo. died at home, she was 75 years old, was debilitated by pneumonia and she had gone to the Codogno emergency room in the days when the 38-year-old patient 1 passed. The result of the Coronavirus test arrived post mortem.

• Two other cases of Coronavirus have been confirmed in Pieve Porto Morone, in the province of Pavia. It is a couple of doctors: the husband works as a general practitioner in Pieve Porto Morone (Pavia) and Chignolo Po (Pavia), his wife a pediatrician who works in the Codogno (Lodi) area. Two other new cases have been recorded in the past few hours Cremona. The total in Lombardy of 29 cases.

• The most serious patient in Lombardy remains on 38-year-old who was hospitalized in Codogno hospital. His condition is currently stable and he has been transferred to the Pavia hospital. There is still no certainty as to who the zero patient is.

• Also in Lombardy, the hospital San Matteo di Pavia prepares to stop, from Monday, all hospitalizations not related to Coronavirus, and to also block scheduled surgical interventions.

• In Veneto the governor Luca Zaia confirmed eight other cases in the Region. Among them the relatives of the first two infected and other residents in the municipality of Vo ‘Euganeo. A new case of infection has been registered in Dolo, in the province of Venice, about fifty kilometers away from I go to Euganeo. Man, of 67 years old, hospitalized in intensive care in Padua. At the moment we do not yet understand how the infections occurred, he added. The total updated budget for the Veneto Region therefore of 9 sick and one victim.

• On Friday evening, the president of the Veneto Region Zaia himself had confirmed his death at the hospital in Schiavonia (Padua) of Adriano Trevisan, 78 years old, who had been hospitalized for about ten days for previous pathologies. The confirmation that the Coronavirus had struck him only arrived yesterday.

The Chinese man arrived at the Spallanzani hospital in Rome together with his wife – the first case in Italy of Coronavirus he’s better: He was negative and in good health, said the Lazio Region Councilor for Health Alessio D’Amato. The 29-year-old Italian researcher, also at Spallanzani, will be discharged today.

• An order from the Ministry of Health, issued yesterday, provides for the fiduciary home stay with active surveillance for anyone who has arrived in Italy in the previous 14 days after staying in the areas of China affected by the epidemic and imposes theobligation to communicate to the Prevention Department of the territorially competent health company of having stayed in the aforementioned areas. So: those who have returned from China in the previous two weeks must say so and must stay at home. Failure to comply with the envisaged measures will constitute a violation of the Ordinance.

Article being updated …

February 22, 2020 (change February 22, 2020 | 12:49)


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