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Coronavirus Italia Bulletin of June 30th. Today’s data and Pdf tables

Rome, 30 June 2020 – Data from the bulletin newspaper on the trend in Italy of the pandemic of Coronavirus. Even if the numbers both worsen contagion, both of the deaths. Yesterday’s encouraging figure is not confirmed (here the bulletin of 29 June): as regards the dead: after the ‘sun’ 6 victims of 24 hours ago, today more are registered 23. Recall that the numbers are now transmitted by the Ministry of Health and no longer by Civil protection. If in Italy the trend seems to confirm itself in descent, the guard must still be kept very high. Yesterday theWHO it was clear: “The worst is yet to come” and in Germany – it is today’s news – it is a new outbreak broke out in a catering company.

Covid-19, today’s data

There are 142 new cases of Coronavirus registered today, against 126 yesterday. A figure that can also be explained by the increase in swabs, 48,273 in the last 24 hours and in net growth, as almost always happens, compared to those processed over the weekend. The total number of people infected in Italy since the beginning of the epidemic, including deceased and recovered, rises to 240,578. Another 23 were killed by Covid, 17 more than those registered yesterday. Coronavirus deaths in Italy rise to 34,767, according to data from the Ministry of Health. THE swabs are on the rise a.

Seven regions without new cases: Marche, Trentino Alto Adige, Puglia, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Abruzzo, Basilicata and Molise. In 12 regions the checkbox terapie intensive occupied for Covid-19 scores zero: there are no serious patients in Veneto, Marche, Trento, Campania, Puglia, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Abruzzo, Sardinia, Val d’Aosta, Calabria, Molise and Basilicata. Molise is the only region that has not been hospitalized even under ordinary conditions: no one is hospitalized with Coronavirus. The Province of Trento and Basilicata have only one inpatient each. There are 43 intensive care units in Lombardy, 13 in Lazio, 12 in Emilia Romagna and Piedmont, 3 in Sicily, 1 in the province of Bolzano and Umbria.

I healed since Coronavirus in Italy they exceed 190 thousand, with 1,052 more units in the last 24 hours. The total healed is 190,248. The decline in ICU patients continues: 93 of them, 42 in Lombardy. In 11 regions and in the autonomous province of Trento there are no more patients in intensive care. There are 1,090 people hospitalized with symptoms, 30 fewer than yesterday, 14,380 people in home isolation, 900 fewer, and 15.563 currently positive, 933 less than yesterday.

The data region by region


62 other cases of Covid in Lombardy in the last 24 hours (‘only’ 43% of the total). Of these, 8 were found following serological tests, while 13 are ‘weakly positive’. Four new victims. In total, 16,644 deaths have occurred since the outbreak. The swabs performed were 6,117 (1,036,548 in total), 821 recovered / discharged (67,197: 64,785 healed and 2,412 discharged in total). Yesterday, against 7,991 swabs, there were 78 positives and one death.

Emilia Romagna

Twenty new positives, including 16 asymptomatic, and 5 deaths, two men and three women, 1 in the province of Piacenza, 2 in that of Bologna, 1 in that of Ravenna and 1 in that of Rimini. These are the data of Emilia-Romagna, updated at 12 today. With the 37 healed in the last 24 hours, the total number of healed rises to 23,222, 81.5% of those infected since the beginning of the crisis. To date the currently positive are 1,010 (22 less than yesterday). The deaths, in total since the beginning of the epidemic, are 4,260, 28,492 cases of positivity.


The number of positives in rises to 19,286 Veneto since the beginning of the pandemic. This was announced by the governor Luca Zaia who during the usual press point noted 8 new positives at Covid-19 and 4 deaths in the last 24 hours, which raise the total deaths to 2,012. The number of people in isolation also increases 746 ( +35) while the inpatients are 192, 21 of whom are positive at Covid-19. There are 10 ICU patients and 3,583 discharged. The total number of swabs carried out since the start of the pandemic is 958,434.


Fifty new healed, 11 infections (including 10 asymptomatic) and 3 deaths (none registered today). These are the numbers of the daily bulletin published by the Region’s Crisis Unit Piemonte.


“Today we record a figure of 5 positive cases and zero deaths”. Lazio Health Councilor Alessio D’Amato made it known at the end of the videoconference of the Covid-19 regional task force with the general managers of the local health authorities and hospital companies, university polyclinics and the Children’s Pediatric Hospital. Jesus’. D’Amato points out that 2 of the 5 new cases are in Rome city.

In Tuscany there are 10,250 cases of positivity, 2 more than yesterday. The new cases are 0.02% more than the total of the previous day. The healed were stable at 8.817 (86% of the total cases). The swabs performed reached 337,110, 2,912 more than yesterday. The currently positive are 329 today, + 0.6% compared to yesterday. Today there are no new deaths.

For the third consecutive day and the ninth time in June, in the Market no new cases have been identified. During the 24 hours, a total of 955 swabs were processed, of which 624 in the new diagnosis pathway and 331 in the healed one.

From other regions

All the 337 tests carried out yesterday were negative Basilicatatherefore there are three positive coronavirus cases across the region. It is the update of the health bulletin. Overall data unchanged: there are 3 current cases while 27 people have died and 370 recovered. None of the 2440 tests performed in Puglia to ascertain the covid-19 infection it gave a positive result and so, for the fourth consecutive day, the region confirmed zero new infections. ‘Double zero’ in South Tyrol. In the last 24 hours out of 443 swabs tested, none tested positive for coronavirus. 292 deaths remain stationary. No new contagion in Abruzzo.

Today’s news

The debate between scientists and medical specialists on the use of masks outdoors. For some doctors outdoors are more the risks of the benefits. While the Lazio informs that 161.536 serological tests have been reached with a seroprevalence percentage of 2.3%, Veneto announces free test for carers. Difficulty a Cremona, one of the most affected cities: too many dead and the civic cemetery no longer has niches for the deceased from Covid. In Bologna a teacher was positive and the summer center has been closed. Ad Alzano (Bergamo) were registered last winter 110 suspected pneumonia: investigates the Bergamo prosecutor.

On the front of the economic response allacrisis triggered by the pandemic, starting from tomorrow 1st July many rules will come into force under government decrees: from bonuses to electronic payments (here the guide).

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