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Coronavirus, Iss: “The epidemic is accelerating, it’s the acute phase. The RT index is 1.17 ”

“The virus is now circulating throughout the country” and at a national level the contagiousness index Rt is 1.17, calculated on symptomatic cases. This was revealed by the monitoring of the Ministry of Health and the ISS relating to the period between 5 and 11 October. In the week considered, a strong increase in cases was observed, which from 28 September to 11 October brought the cumulative incidence to 75 per 100,000 inhabitants, against 44.37 per 100.00 in the period between 21 September and 4 October. “.

The numbers on outbreaks and the risk at home

The active outbreaks in Italy in the period between 5 and 11 October are 4,913 active outbreaks, of which 1,749 new, increasing for the eleventh consecutive week. This is indicated by the monitoring of the Ministry of Health and ISS, noting that in the previous week of monitoring 3,805 active outbreaks had been reported, of which 1,181 new. “Outbreaks have been reported – reads the document – in almost all the provinces (102/107)” For the most part (80.3%) outbreaks continue to occur in the home environment. The percentage of outbreaks detected in the of recreational activities (4.2% against 4.1% the previous week) ».

The danger of extra-curricular activities

This week, according to the weekly monitoring of the ISS, outbreaks where transmission could have occurred in the school environment are increasing. The Ministry of Health also stresses that intra-school transmission remains limited overall with 3.8% of all new outbreaks in which the context of transmission has been reported. “However – the ISS continues – extra-curricular activities can constitute a trigger of transmission chains if the foreseen prevention measures are not respected”.

Clear and rapid deterioration

In detail, the ministry and the ISS reiterate that the local transmission of the virus, spread throughout the national territory, causes outbreaks even of considerable size, especially reported in the home / family context. It remains essential to maintain a high awareness of the general population about the now clear and more rapid worsening of the epidemiological situation and the importance of continuing to strictly comply with all the measures necessary to reduce the risk of transmission such as hand washing, use masks and physical spacing. Outbreaks in which transmission could have occurred in an intra-school setting are slightly increasing. Therefore “it remains essential to maintain attention on the measures already introduced to prevent intra-school transmission such as the detection of the daily temperature and the procedures for the management of suspected symptomatic cases in the school environment”. It is then underlined that the tracing of cases and their contacts and the consequent reduction in the time between the onset of contagiousness and isolation “remain fundamental elements for controlling the spread of the infection that must be absolutely pursued”. The increase in outbreaks and cases not associated with transmission chains highlights the criticality in the commitment of the local services (Prevention Departments) to ensure that the outbreaks present are promptly identified and investigated. It is therefore considered important to strengthen local services, through the extraordinary involvement of professional support resources and also through the use of technological tools such as the Immuni “app”, in the activities of diagnosis and contact research in order to identify early all transmission chains and ensure efficient management, including the quarantine of close contacts and the immediate isolation of secondary cases ».

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For the control room, which has anticipated to date the report that usually releases on Fridays (it is not clear whether this is for technical reasons or because it is an extremely serious situation, ed), we are witnessing an “acceleration in the evolution of the epidemic. entering an acute phase with a progressive increase in the number of cases “. In addition, there is “evidence of critical issues in local services and increases in the occupancy rate of beds in intensive care and medical areas which risk, in some Regions / Autonomous Provinces, reaching critical values ​​in the next month”. A rapid analysis of the sub-regional risk is therefore necessary for the timely increase of containment and mitigation measures in the most affected areas on the basis of the guidelines provided in the document “Prevention and response to Covid-19: evolution of the strategy and planning in the transition phase for the autumn-winter period “transmitted with the circular of the Ministry of Health of 12 October”. From the control room an appeal to the population: “Respect with conscience and precision all the precautionary rules provided (in particular the physical distance and the correct and appropriate use of masks) and avoid as much as possible situations that may favor transmission such as aggregations spontaneous and planned “both in public and private places,” to avoid further deterioration that could require territorially widespread restrictions “.

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Respect for spacing and masks

From the control room a new one reaffirms “the importance of the appropriate use of diagnostic and screening tools, in the context of an epidemiological risk assessment, and of the correct execution of isolation and quarantine procedures when indicated”. And of course, “the need to comply with the quarantine measures and other measures recommended by the health authorities is reiterated both for people returning from countries for which quarantine is envisaged, and following a request from the health authority having been identified like close contacts of a case ».

Although in fact the local services have so far managed to contain the local transmission of the virus, an exceptional workload is repeatedly reported which in many cases compromises the timely management of contacts as well as not ensuring activities not connected to this emergency. It is therefore clear, according to the report, that the situation described shows “important warning signs linked to an increase in transmission” and with the emergence of a new epidemiological phase also “an aggravation of the work of the local services that could be reflected in a short time in a overload of welfare services “. Hence the renewed appeal to the population to pay particular attention to the risk of contracting the infection in all cases of non-compliance with the recommended measures. Therefore, we invite you to comply with all the behavioral rules provided for the prevention of the transmission of Sars-CoV-2, and “in particular towards the most vulnerable groups of the population”. An invitation from the Ministry-ISS control room also to all the Regions and the Autonomous Provinces so that, in conjunction with the Department of Health, they carry out a “rapid risk analysis, even at a sub-regional level” and “evaluate the timely increase of the containment and mitigation in the areas most affected on the basis of the level of risk and on the basis of the guidelines “provided in the very recent document Prevention and response to Covid-19: evolution of strategy and planning in the transition phase for the autumn-winter period.

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