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“Coronavirus is in reverse”. The prime minister’s words caused controversy

  • After the summit, which we observed in mid-June, we have a clear decline in infections – argues the Deputy Minister of Health when asked about the words of the Prime Minister
  • The Ministry of Health has published an infographic showing that the number of infections in Poland is low compared to Europe
  • The World Health Organization warns against excessive optimism. “The COVID-19 pandemic is not even approaching the end yet,” experts say

– I am glad that we are less and less afraid of this virus, this epidemic and this is a good approach, because it is in retreat. You no longer have to be afraid of him, you have to go to the elections, in crowds, on July 12. All sanitary requirements will be maintained – said the head of government in Tomaszów Lubelski. – Everyone, especially seniors, do not be afraid. Let’s go to the election. It is important to be able to continue this fair development line – he added.

In Wysokie Mazowieckie, Prime Minister Morawiecki argued that the coronavirus-related situation is “stabilizing”. – In the most positive sense, there are fewer and fewer cases of illnesses and even fewer deaths, which makes me particularly happy. It is already a disease now, we can say like others, we are just waiting for the vaccine. I think that a few months and someone in the world will rent it, because big money went into its development – he said.

– And the institutions that assessed the first round of elections confirmed that it was organized in a very proper way. Let’s not be afraid to go to the second round, I encourage all the inhabitants of your poviat (…), because not everyone went so crowded, as numerous as before, maybe some were worried – said the politician.

Similar words were said during a visit to Hajnówka. – There’s nothing to be afraid of, influenza viruses and this coronavirus are much weaker in the summer. This can be seen from the situation in Poland, you can easily go to the elections – said Morawiecki.

The deputy minister of health defends the prime minister

Deputy Minister of Health Janusz Cieszyński was asked about the Prime Minister’s words. – The number of cases is falling and I assume it was the Prime Minister who meant that the virus is in the back, – he said.

– After the summit we observed in mid-June, we have a clear decline in infections. This shows that the activities that we conducted, i.e. a large screening test, gave their results – he said.

– We encourage everyone to take part in the second round, because the elections in our opinion are completely safe – he appealed. He emphasized that during the first round of elections, personal protection equipment went to all committees. In the second round – as he said – it will be possible to cast a queue for people over 60, disabled people, pregnant women and women with children up to 3 years old. The changes are to be recorded in the regulation, which is issued to the Act on the presidential election in 2020.

In the afternoon, the Ministry of Health published social media infographics about the coronavirus epidemic in Poland. The ministry argues that the number of infections in the last two weeks per 100,000 inhabitants are among the lowest in the European Union.

Coronavirus in Poland. What does the data look like?

Today morning The Ministry of Health has reported 371 new and confirmed cases of coronavirus. 15 people have died. The number of COVID-19 cases since the beginning of the epidemic has exceeded 35,000. Although the number of active cases has begun to fall since June 19, it still remains above 10,000. people.

Expert: you can’t beat the victory over a pandemic

The statement of Mateusz Morawiecki is widely commented. He criticized the prime minister’s words, among others dr Paweł Grzesiowski from the Center for Preventive Medicine and Rehabilitation in Warsaw.

– Of course, one should not be afraid, because emotions hamper rational judgment, but one cannot trumpet victory over a pandemic. We would probably be the only country in the world to do so – assessed the doctor in an interview with TOK FM radio. – If we do not care, then in 3-4 weeks there may be another increase in the incidence. You have to follow all the recommendations, wear masks, disinfect your hands, ventilate the room – added Dr. Grzesiowski.

“If in the autumn there is a significant increase in the incidence, and especially deaths, this statement may end the mission of MM (Mateusz Morawiecki – ed.) As the head of government” – wrote on Facebook political scientist prof. Antoni Dudek.

“Is the Prime Minister aware of the consequences of his words?” – MEP Danuta Huebner asked on Twitter.

Coronavirus outbreak. Is it really safe now?

On Monday, the head of the World Health Organization (WHO) Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus announced that the COVID-19 pandemic is not even nearing its end. – Most people are still susceptible, the pandemic still has space where it can develop – he stressed and warned that “the worst may still be ahead of us.”

WHO Director of Emergencies Mike Ryan warned that while “colossal efforts are being made” to invent a coronavirus vaccine, it cannot be ruled out that it may fail. “There is no guarantee of success,” he added.

Source: Onet, TOK FM, PAP, Twitter

(PG, mba)

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