Home » today » Health » Coronavirus, infected health workers and lack of staff in Medicine, Pneumology and Geriatrics. The director of the Santa Chiara asks for help from the other departments

Coronavirus, infected health workers and lack of staff in Medicine, Pneumology and Geriatrics. The director of the Santa Chiara asks for help from the other departments

TRENTO. The coronavirus continues to gaining more and more ground also in the Trentino health network. If it is true that in recent weeks the territorial structures of the Apss have managed to cope with the epidemic wave, on the other hand it is undeniable that the pressure begins to be felt more and more. Contagions increase day by day and the same goes for hospitalizations.

The latest data arrived yesterday from the health company almost showed 240 people hospitalized with covid and other symptoms 15 in intensive care (HERE THE ARTICLE). The growth trend is constant and certainly will not end these days.

However, in the health network deployed in Trentino, as in the rest of Italy, there is a weak point and that, of course, is represented by the fact that even health workers get sick both inside and outside hospitals.

In recent days ildolomiti.it had shown how he was in the Orthopedics department put a red ribbon on the floor to separate the Covid department from the “ clean ” one, creating the so-called “two zone” rule (HERE THE ARTICLE). This intervention has also given rise to various fears among employees and citizens about the effective effectiveness against contagion.

Another alarm bell on the situation arrived yesterday: “The epidemic is expanding and we are worried: there are many positive operators: 160 units of health personnel have contracted Covid-19“they explained Giuseppe Pallanch, secretary of the CISL FP, Silvano Parzian, Sandro Pilotti and Alfio Traverso of the health sector in the union in via Degasperi.

Already at the end of October, the employees of the health company had received the communication of the reactivation of the so-called “Covid Support Core“The group of clinical psychologists and other professionals, in close collaboration with the medical and health professions directorates, to offer support to the emotional burden and other delicate situations that are pressing on hospitals right now.

Psychological support, however, is not enough now or at least it is not the only thing that is needed. Those who get sick are hardly replaced and unfortunately there are no operators in the wards.

The emergency situation requires extraordinary effort to such an extent that the director of the Santa Chiara Hospital in Trento, Mario Grattarola, just today he sent a message to the managers of the various departments. “As is known, the covid epidemic is progressively evolving and the pressure on our hospital is increasingly intense. At this time the areas of greatest suffering are represented by the Medical, Pneumology and Geriatric Area, especially due to the lack of staff”.

Hence the request “if it is possible foresee the contribution of some colleague of your Operating Unit, in support of these areas, to be used in both the covid and non-covid areas”.

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