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Coronavirus increases the risk of stroke even in young people

Neurologists warn about the consequences of the transferred infection

The second year has passed since the day the world learned about the COVID-19 infection. It was in November in China that the first infected person with characteristic symptoms was identified, and in Russia last fall and early winter, many were unusually severely ill. Today, doctors already know that the infection that has fallen on us affects not only the lungs – all vital systems are under attack. The first of December is celebrated as the International Day of the Neurologist – an excellent occasion to congratulate all specialists. And talk about the misfortune that has befallen us.

The Scientific Center of Neurology in Moscow is expecting an increase in the number of patients. No, unlike many other medical institutions, the reception of patients during the pandemic did not stop here. However, in the near future, doctors believe, those who have had a chance to encounter a coronavirus will be added to this category.

– There is a lot of data on the connection of a new infection with neurological manifestations, – says the candidate of medical sciences, researcher of the Scientific Center of Neurology Anton Raskurazhev… – Anosmia and hyposmia – the absence and decrease in the ability to distinguish between smells, as well as dysgeusia – loss of taste, – symptoms that are much talked about today are an example of a virus affecting the olfactory tract. Similar symptoms occur with any seasonal respiratory illness. However, in the case of covid, intense rhinitis rarely occurs. There is a feeling of congestion or dryness, but the upper airways are free. And against this background, an aggravation occurs.

By the way, there are recommendations where it is stated: if there is a runny nose, the likelihood of COVID-19 decreases. In England, for example, a person who sneezes is not tested for coronavirus. At the same time, we see: people suffer a completely common seasonal cold with nasal congestion, runny nose, sneezing, sore throat. But it turns out that they have survived the coronavirus. It is still difficult to identify a set of symptoms or markers, in addition to PCR, which could say: a person is definitely sick with covid or it is highly likely that he is not sick.

But scientific work confirms: the coronavirus can penetrate through the olfactory nerve into the brain.

– That is, when they say that the coronavirus hits the brain, can this be taken literally?

– He “beats” through complications in the form of thrombosis or stroke. A number of purely neurological inflammatory conditions have been described that are associated with coronavirus. These are, for example, encephalitis – inflammation of the brain, as well as myelitis – inflammation of the spinal cord. As a result, nerve cells die, and edema of the meninges may develop.

In addition, with COVID-19, autoimmune pathology is often detected – for example, Guillain-Barré syndrome, when the immune system affects its own peripheral nerves. At the beginning of the process, a person may feel weakness or tingling in the legs, arms and face. Later, paralysis of the legs, arms, or facial muscles may occur. Sometimes the chest muscles are affected, which makes breathing difficult, and the ability to speak and swallow is impaired. Deaths are not excluded. Guillain-Barré syndrome has been studied at our center for many years, and, fortunately, in most cases this condition is curable.

Coronavirus causes complications in the form of thrombosis or stroke. Photo: depositphotos.com

Other symptoms of damage to the nervous system can also become a consequence of COVID-19:

  • painful cramps, pain in muscles, skin, muscle weakness;
  • involuntary muscle contraction;
  • tremor (trembling limbs);
  • arterial hypertension;
  • tachycardia;
  • dizziness and flashing of flies before the eyes.

It is also important to understand that any infectious condition can lead to exacerbations of chronic diseases and an unpleasant outcome in the form of vascular accidents. But there is evidence that stroke occurs more often against the background of coronavirus than, for example, with the flu. Thrombosis is a very serious problem. The vessels are affected, which go not only to the head and heart, but also to the organs and limbs. In severe cases, amputation may be required. That is why anticoagulants are used in the treatment of patients with coronavirus.

– Many people drink these drugs on their own for prevention. Doing it right?

– Anticoagulants are prescribed if there is a tendency to thrombus formation. First of all, these are patients with atrial fibrillation, a pathology of the blood coagulation system. But taking such serious drugs on their own without assessing the risk of fatal bleeding is unacceptable.

– What long-term consequences of the coronavirus can we already talk about?

– Most likely, this is post-infectious asthenia – a syndrome of chronic fatigue, pain in the head, muscles, joints, general weakness. Over time, we will see an increase in the number of patients with these symptoms. Moreover, during the instrumental examination, nothing is often revealed that may bother, and the person does not feel well.

I would not advise at the slightest headache to immediately run to a neurologist and do an MRI. But you have to be more attentive to yourself. If something arises that hasn’t happened before, and it causes concern, it makes sense to see a doctor.

Unfortunately, the effect of coronavirus on the body has not been fully clarified. Perhaps we will run into things that we can only speculate about. Or maybe we don’t even know.

In the area of ​​special attention

Our expert identified a group of patients with neurological problems for whom coronavirus infection can be especially dangerous.

  1. Older people with cerebrovascular accidents. The most common diseases in which they occur are atherosclerosis, hypertension, heart rhythm disturbances – atrial fibrillation. A special group requiring attention is patients with diabetes mellitus and obesity.
  2. Those taking hormonal drugs. First of all, these are people with multiple sclerosis, who receive large doses of hormones during an exacerbation. The benefits and risks of prescribing immune therapy must be carefully weighed to avoid autoimmune aggression. The coronavirus starts this process, and it is practically uncontrollable.
  3. Patients with respiratory failure. Of the neurological conditions, these are primarily patients with myasthenia gravis, which is accompanied by muscle weakness. In patients in myasthenic crisis, the respiratory muscles do not work.
  4. People with various forms of motor neuron disease – amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. With the progression of the disease, muscles are depleted, to which impulses from the nervous system cease to flow. Weakness of the respiratory muscles develops. Oxygen levels go down and this is very dangerous.

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