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Coronavirus in the world: infections, updates and all the news on the situation

New record of daily coronavirus cases globally: in the last 24 hours, infections in the world have exceeded 338 thousand infections, the highest number ever recorded since the beginning of the pandemic: the World Health Organization (WHO) reports this on its own site.

Outside the US inside China. Beijing joins Covax

Today Beijing officially announced its membership of Covax, the program of which more than 150 countries are part co-directed by the World Health Organization, Gavi (Alliance for vaccines) and Cepi (Coalition for innovation in the field of preparation epidemics), aimed at promoting global access to a future coronavirus vaccine. The Beijing Foreign Ministry confirmed the “signing of an agreement” with Gavi. “It is an important step for China to fulfill its commitment to promoting vaccines as a global public good.” Beijing confirms its desire to ensure that “developing countries have equal access to effective and safe vaccines”. At the General Assembly of the United Nations, the Chinese president Xi Jinping had ensured that the vaccines developed by China would be made available as a global public good. There are currently four vaccines developed by the Asian giant in phase three of clinical trials.


Intensive care emergency in France

Paris hospitals have entered emergency mode due to the increase in patients. Covid patients now occupy 40% of ICU beds in the Paris region and in nearly a quarter of units nationwide. As in many countries facing the second wave, critics argue that the French leader has not learned his lesson from the first wave. France yesterday registered more than 18 thousand cases with 1,427 admissions to intensive care. Numbers that have doubled in less than a month. “There are not enough beds and lack of staff,” said the head of the Sos emergency medical service, Serge Smadja, at theAssociated Press.

USA, the projection: 235 thousand dead by the elections

The University of Washington’s Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation estimates that the United States will reach 235,000 deaths by the November 3 presidential election and 360,000 by December 31.

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Mario Calabresi
Sostieni il giornalismo
Abbonati a Repubblica

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