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Coronavirus in the world: infections, updates and all the news on the situation

The coronavirus pandemic has claimed 960,000 victims worldwide and exceeded 31 million confirmed cases of contagion. This is what emerges from the balance sheet of the John Hopkins University website. The United States, India and Brazil are the most affected countries.

The situation in the world: charts and maps
The timeline

United States, 69% of citizens do not trust the vaccine

As the United States approaches Covid’s 200,000 (199,509) deaths, Donald Trump’s health secretary and a key member of the White House coronavirus task force have defended the administration’s handling of the crisis. At the start of the pandemic, Trump said keeping deaths at 100,000 would be “great work”. The president’s handling of the epidemic was largely curtailed, especially after the reporter’s revelations Bob Woodward according to which Trump admitted he knew the severity of the threat from the start, but said he downplayed it. Trump was also criticized this week by a former member of his task force, Olivia troye, what he said:

If the president took this virus seriously … he would have slowed the spread of the virus. It would have saved lives

Trump’s enthusiasm to promote a vaccine matches his refusal to apply public health measures to election rallies as election day approaches. The president stays behind Joe Biden in national polls and in most key states. An ABC / Ipsos poll on Sunday found that 69% of respondents did not trust Trump’s claims about a vaccine. Giroir was asked why Trump was “making promises about a vaccine that none of his experts agreed on.”

New Zealand premier announces stop to restrictions

New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern announced the cancellation of all coronavirus restrictions in New Zealand after no new cases of Covid have been registered in the past 24 hours. Measures remain in place in Auckland, but with some easing. The country has recorded a total of 1,464 coronavirus cases and 25 deaths since the start of the pandemic. Australia is also doing well, where the State of Victoria, the outbreak of the second wave of coronavirus in the country, has recorded the lowest number of daily cases in the last three months but for Prime Minister Daniel Andrews it is not yet time to relax the restrictions. The measures were imposed in August when the daily infections exceeded 700.

India, the Taj Mahal reopens: distancing and masks for visitors

The Taj Mahal, closed since March due to the coronavirus, reopens its doors to visitors today, despite the contagions in India continuing to increase. Every day there are on average 100 thousand cases and one thousand deaths, in total 5.4 million people have been infected since the beginning of the pandemic, out of a population of 1.3 billion people. After a severe lockdown that had brought tens of millions of people left to their knees without means of subsistence, the government of Narendra Modi it has gradually reopened to travel and commerce.

The Taj Mahal, the white marble mausoleum in Agra, south of New Delhi, is India’s most popular tourist site and in normal times attracts seven million visitors a year. In any case, visits will now have to comply with strict rules of social distancing and the daily number of visitors will be limited to 5 thousand, a quarter of the normal. Tickets can only be purchased online and a mask and temperature control will be required.

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Mario Calabresi
Sostieni il giornalismo
Abbonati a Repubblica

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