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Coronavirus in Spain live today: third dose and end of restrictions | Last minute

How the end of the pandemic could be

Experts admit that at the moment it is not possible to know exactly how the evolution of COVID-19 will be in the future, but they point out that due to its characteristics, it could be controlled in the same way as seasonal flu. “There is the precedent of a very seasonal pattern for some of the coronaviruses that have been infecting people. We don’t know if SARS-CoV-2 will behave this way, but this precedent at least gives us a scenario that he might start to behave like this “says Monto on CNN.

In any case, the American epidemiologist points out that there are still unknowns to be solved to be able to predict the way in which the endemic phase of COVID-19. That is, when the disease stay present in our lives, but no longer have such a high impact as today.

To get to this situation is it is essential that the herd immunity, goal that can only be achieved through mass vaccination, experts say. “What we hope to get to is such a low level of incidence of the disease that, even if it is not completely eliminated, it does not have a significant impact on public health or the way we manage our lives.”, explains the main person in charge of the fight against the coronavirus in the United States, Anthony Fauci, who remembers that for this it is essential that the vaccination worldwide.

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