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Coronavirus in Spain live: restrictions in Madrid and Easter | 8M, last minute today


On the 30th Anniversary of Ecovalia, the Spanish professional association for organic production, the data of the study on the sector that the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (MAPA) has just published has been released: “It is not easy for all to be positive, but it is like this because they have been working intensively in the sector for many years “, highlighted the general director of the Food Industry, José Miguel Herrero.

Herrero wanted to emphasize the importance of the moment in which we live: “we are in a historic decade in which we have set ourselves the goal, in Europe, that 25% of the useful agricultural area is dedicated to organic production. We are moving towards a model that is sustainable, responsible and committed to the environment “.

The report Analysis of the characterization and projection of Spanish organic production in 2019 shows how the organic farming sector continues with its intense growth process and is configured as an important differentiated food area within the entire Spanish food system, and more in times of pandemic such as the current moment in which we live.

The document states that the estimated value at origin of lOrganic production exceeded 2,310 million euros in 2019, which is 8.32% more than the previous year. 77.72% of this value corresponds to organic production of plant origin and 22.28% to that of animal origin.

For its part, Spanish consumer spending on organic products reached 2,363 million euros, which represents a growth of 8.4% compared to the previous year and around 2.24% of total food consumption in Spain, including homes and the HORECA sector. Per capita consumption reached 50.22 euros / inhabitant / year, 7.70% higher than the previous year.

What organic products do the Spanish consume the most?

The organic plant products most consumed in Spain were fresh fruits, with 15.5% in the organic shopping basket, and fresh vegetables, with 13.9%, followed at greater distances by bread, biscuits and pastries, which together added 6.6% of the ecological basket; and oil accounted for 4.4%.

Regarding organic products of animal origin, the most consumed were meats and meat derivatives, with 15; 0% of the organic basket, milk and dairy products (7.5%), fish, shellfish and their preserves (4.2%) and eggs (2.2%).

Spain, according to the study data, occupies the tenth position in the world market for organic products by total value of organic sales. In 2019, organized distribution sold 48% of organic products to Spanish consumers, followed by specialized trade, with 36% and the rest of channels (16%).

On the other hand, exports reached 995 million euros, which represents an increase of 5.1% compared to the previous year, and imports accounted for 1,070 million euros, 1.90% more, which confirms the negative foreign trade balance started in 2018, although with a lower increase in imports that year.

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