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Coronavirus in Spain live: measures, vaccines and restrictions at Christmas | Last minute, today


The Indian Ministry of Health confirmed this Wednesday the death of 387 people in the last 24 hours, so the total number of people who have lost their lives due to the disease exceeds 144,000.

Since the beginning of the pandemic, 144,096 patients infected with coronavirus have died, of the 9,932,547 accumulated cases that have been registered in the country, 26,382 of them detected in the last day, continuing with the decline in daily cases that the Asian country has been registering.

India currently has 332,002 active cases, While 9,456,449 people have managed to overcome the virus in the country, after the 33,813 hospital discharges issued this Wednesday. With these figures, the percentage of active cases represents 3.34 percent of the total infections, while India has a 95.1 percent recovery rate and a 1.45 percent mortality rate.

The Indian Health Minister, Rajesh Bhushan, confirmed this Wednesday that the steps to prepare local officials in the vaccination process, which will probably affect about 300 million people by the middle of next year, as reported in the ‘Hindustan Times’.

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