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Coronavirus in Spain live: end of the state of alarm, Janssen vaccines and restrictions in Madrid | Last minute


India registered 4,000 deaths from coronavirus this Friday, the third consecutive day to reach or exceed this figure, while infections experienced a slight decrease and stood at 343,144 in 24 hours. With this new death data, the Asian country reached the 262,317 deaths since the beginning of the pandemic, indicated the Indian Ministry of Health in its latest balance sheet.

The second country most affected by the coronavirus in the world In absolute terms, only behind the United States with 32.8 million infections according to Johns Hopkins University, today it crossed the barrier of 24 million cases.

India is mired in a virulent second wave of the coronavirus and its positivity rate is around 20%, which highlights the seriousness of the situation since the World Health Organization (WHO) considers that the pandemic is under control in a country if this figure is below 5%.

The Asian country exceeded 400,000 daily infections on several occasions in early May, so the decline in cases registered in recent days fuels hopes that India has weathered the worst of the second wave.

However, experts have warned that covid-19 spreads rapidly in rural areas where health coverage is worse and not enough tests are carried out as if to show a true picture of daily infections.

Authorities in New Delhi, after weeks of oxygen shortages, revealed on Thursday that the worst appears to be over. “In New Delhi, until about 15 days ago, coronavirus cases kept growing. The positivity rate increased to 35% … and thousands of patients were admitted daily. Now the positivity rate has dropped to 14% and daily cases have been reduced to 10,400 “, said in a video intervention the number two of the capital’s government, Manish Sisodia.

The vaccination campaign launched in January is seen as the only way out of this crisis, but the pace is lower than expected with only 2 million doses administered during the last day in this country of 1,350 million inhabitants.

So far, the Asian country inoculated a total of 179 million vaccines and almost 40 million people received the two doses, an amount that fails to meet the initial goal of having 300 million people immunized by July.

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