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Coronavirus in Spain live: accumulated incidence and new restrictions | Last minute, today

The town of Cádiz with almost 4,400 cases of accumulated incidence

There is a town in Cádiz whose incidence scandalizes more than one. Is about Villaluenga del Rosario, that in the last two weeks accumulates an incidence of 4,395.6 cases per 100,000 inhabitants. If these data are contrasted with the national average, whose cumulative incidence is 76 per 100,000 inhabitants, the situation seems even more serious in the small Cádiz municipality.

However, the data has a trick. In fact, There are two things to take into account to reduce alarmism with the situation of this town. The first of them is that, although the incidence is soaring, the data correspond to the last 14 days, but in the last seven there have been no infections. Therefore, it is foreseeable that in a week, the cumulative incidence will drop significantly, perhaps even to zero.

The second piece of information to take into account is the number of infections. All of them took place the previous week. 20 people were infected in those days, a very low number. Why is the cumulative incidence so high then? Because this small town of Cádiz it has only 455 inhabitants.

Cádiz, in good situation

The outbreak that has caused this situation It took place in the municipal school. A few days ago a massive screening was carried out to see the extent of the infections, and only about twenty were detected. What’s more, none of them were serious, so no hospitalization was necessary. Nor has it been feared that a community transmission would take place, since most of the cases have been isolated within several families, as explained by the mayor of Villaluenga del Rosario, Alfonso Moscoso.

Other localities in Cádiz with high incidences compared to the national average, but very far from those of Villaluenga del Rosario, are Medina Sidonia, with 144.4; Benalup with 114.5; Prado del Rey, with 89.4; Weighs with 79.2; Barbate with 75.4; Jimena, with 74.5 and the Line, with 69.1. In general, the Andalusian province is at a low risk level with 35.3 cases per 100,000 inhabitants in the last two weeks.

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