Home » today » News » Coronavirus in Poland. Senator Krzysztof Kwiatkowski in quarantine. He had contact with an infected Jan Filip Libicki

Coronavirus in Poland. Senator Krzysztof Kwiatkowski in quarantine. He had contact with an infected Jan Filip Libicki

I had contact with senator Jan Filip Libicki, who was infected with coronavirus. I am in quarantine – said Krzysztof Kwiatkowski, non-attached senator. In connection with the detection of the coronavirus in the Senate, the meeting scheduled for this week has been postponed, and senators and chancellery employees will be tested.

Senator of the Polish Coalition PSL-Kukiz’15, Jan Filip Libicki, announced on Saturday evening on Twitter that he was infected with the coronavirus. He announced that he would notify the Department of Healthcare about all people with whom he had recently had direct contact.

On Sunday evening, independent senator Krzysztof Kwiatkowski announced that he had had contact with Libcki and was going into quarantine. “Until Wednesday, I will be in quarantine, hoping that then the test results will finally confirm that I am healthy” – wrote Kwiatkowski on Twitter.

The meeting has been postponed, there will be tests for senators and employees

Senate Marshal Tomasz Grodzki announced that the Senate meeting scheduled for 4-7 August had been postponed on August 11-13 due to Libicki’s disease.

The Marshal assured that the Senate Chancellery is in contact with the Sanepid. – We want to carry out tests with all the indicated contact persons. Some of them participate in the meeting remotely, some have come, so we want all this to be done and only when we have all the results, we will be able to continue the session safely – Grodzki noted.

He added that the tests will be organized on Tuesday in the Senate, where swabs will be taken from senators and employees of the Senate Chancellery. The results are to be known on Wednesday. – We will follow the guidelines so as to break any epidemic chain – explained the marshal

photo-source">Main photo source: TVN24

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