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Coronavirus in Poland. Infection record. The government will introduce restrictions?

It was like a bolt from the blue. Despite the holidays and the ongoing holiday season, nobody expected that 615 new cases of coronavirus infection would arrive in Poland in one day. Such a dramatic result, which is also a sad record, can mean only one thing: no more loosening the restrictions and returning to what we experienced in March and April. Are Poles ready to shut themselves up at home again? Or maybe the government Mateusz Morawiecki will suggest a different solution?

On Thursday, at a specially convened press conference, Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki appealed to his countrymen to observe the applicable restrictions. He also admitted that it is possible that the government will consider returning to the more stringent restrictions, those from before the holidays. – We are preparing various scenarios and depending on which scenario will develop, we will take appropriate measures in the second half of August – the Prime Minister said during the conference.

And this means that they will most likely apply in September.

Is this waiting for us?

During the conference, Prime Minister Morawiecki referred to the possible quarantine obligation for people coming to Poland from abroad. The head of government assured that such a solution was taken into account.

The prime minister did not want to blame the Poles for the increase in the number of cases, who during their holidays gave a lot of evidence that they did not behave responsibly and did not comply with any restrictions. He only noticed that a complete lockdown would have a negative impact on the Polish economy. What if this idea comes into effect from September or October?

Poles’ faults?

He spoke about the careless attitude of Poles to the epidemic threat during the holidays Wojciech Andrusiewicz, spokesman for the Ministry of Health. – Let this result be a signal for us. I appeal to Poles to obey the orders of social distancing and wearing masks. The coronavirus is with us and it will be all the time – he emphasized.

– There have been some loosening in the restrictions, where we do not have many cases, we are talking about stadiums or other sports venues. However, we must remember that the obligation to wear masks still applies (…) There will probably be a possibility to go back a small step – Wojciech Andrusiewicz added in an interview with TVN 24.

A meeting is scheduled

What’s more, Wojciech Andrusiewicz called for avoiding unnecessary trips and avoiding crowded places, including buses. He made no mention of the government considering closing stores or returning to admitting much fewer shoppers at the same time. Or even the limitations of their functioning.

He was informed about the epidemiological situation Łukasz Szumowski. The Minister of Health therefore shortened his leave. According to PAP, the minister is in contact with the ministry and staff dealing with the epidemiological situation. On Thursday, the Ministry of Health will host a working meeting with representatives of institutions that deal with the epidemiological situation.

It is worth remembering that in the last seven days, there have only been one fewer than 400 cases per day.

(Source: PAP, media)

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