Home » today » News » Coronavirus in Poland. Half of the guests were infected after the wedding near Pszczyna. In the quarantine, wedding guests from another game

Coronavirus in Poland. Half of the guests were infected after the wedding near Pszczyna. In the quarantine, wedding guests from another game

Half of the people participating in wedding ceremonies in the vicinity of Pszczyna a dozen or so days ago have a confirmed coronavirus infection – according to the data of the Silesian voivode. 80 people participated in the game. There are also participants of another wedding in this area in quarantine, where nearly 140 people had fun.

The spokeswoman of the Silesian voivode, Alina Kucharzewska, informed on Tuesday that “so far, the sanitary services have detected 40 infections among the participants of the wedding, which took place several days ago in the Pszczyna poviat, which was attended by 80 guests”. – All revelers are under the supervision of the Department of Health – she added.

THE We informed on July 30 at a wedding party from the vicinity of Pszczyna, which became an outbreak of the virus. Initially, SARS-CoV-2 was confirmed in 20 people participating in it, but the number of those infected continues to rise. Last week, there were first 28 cases in total, then a total of 33 were found. Until Tuesday, examinations confirmed the infection of other wedding guests. People from the Śląskie, Łódzkie and Małopolskie provinces and from Germany are infected.

Two other weddings outbreaks of coronavirus

Sanitary services suspect that the place of the spread of the coronavirus could also be another wedding ceremony organized recently in the vicinity of Pszczyna with the participation of nearly 140 people. Initially, three infections were confirmed among its participants, but also in this case there may be more patients with COVID-19. Epidemiological proceedings are underway, the participants of the wedding are in quarantine. The party was attended by guests from, among others, Germany and the Czech Republic.

Earlier, infections were also discovered among the guests of a wedding in Gorzyce near Wodzisław Śląski, where about a hundred people had fun in mid-July. The bride and 16 other revelers turned out to be infected.

“Smaller weddings are possible.” Deputy ministers talked to the wedding industry >>>

The government “does not rule out increasing restrictions on the organization of weddings”

The Minister of Health, Łukasz Szumowski, in the Tuesday interview for “Dziennik Gazeta Prawna”, informed that during the Friday meeting of the crisis management staff, possible restrictions and recommendations were discussed for the prime minister. He also said that the government “does not rule out increasing restrictions on weddings.” He announced that the government wants to require the registration of weddings and providing an accurate list of guests.

The spokesman for the Ministry of Health, Wojciech Andrusiewicz, said on the same day that “it is possible to reduce the number of guests in restaurants, people visiting stores, smaller weddings are possible and they will be registered by sanitary and epidemiological stations, which means that such an organizer will have to expect an unannounced visit by the police or a sanitary and epidemiological station”.

He announced that inspections may also appear at weddings, including those not registered. – In the case of registered weddings, the organizers must be aware that the risk of inspection at such a party is considerable – said the spokesman of the Ministry of Health.

The day before, on Monday, there was a meeting with the wedding industry. It was attended by Deputy Minister of Development Olga Semeniuk and Deputy Minister of Health Janusz Cieszyński.

Coronavirus in Silesia

According to the data of the Department of Health, the coronavirus was detected in 16,940 people in the Silesian Voivodeship, 397 of whom died. This region has the highest number of infections in the country. On Tuesday, the Ministry of Health announced 222 new cases of infection in the province, not only among miners. In Silesia, 14,231 people recovered, i.e. 84 percent of all infected.

Among the 222 cases of infection detected in the last day in the region, the largest number was recorded in the districts of Bielsko (20), Pszczyna (9), Wodzisławski, (33), Rybnik (32) and Cieszyn (15), as well as in Katowice (16), Ruda Śląska (17) and in Jastrzębie-Zdrój (12).

Some of the new cases come from screening tests conducted on Monday among miners from the Bielszowice mine in Ruda Śląska. Out of 615 people tested, studies have confirmed 38 new cases of infection there.

– Further research is underway on Tuesday. The samples are taken from about 600 employees of the Bielszowice mine in Ruda, about 850 miners from the Chwałowice mine in Rybnik and from about 200 employees of Przedsiębiorstwo Górniczego Silesia in Czechowice-Dziedzice, informed Alina Kucharzewska, spokeswoman for the Silesian voivode.

Another round of tests among miners

Another round of screening tests is underway in Bielszowice – those miners whose tests carried out a week earlier gave negative results are tested. In Chwałowice – after the results of the first tests – it was decided to test the entire crew of about 2.8 thousand. Also in the private Silesia mine, where the number of infected was growing dynamically, it was decided to test another group of miners.

According to Tuesday’s data from Polska Grupa Górnicza, 455 miners have fallen ill so far in the Bielszowice mine, 102 in the Chwałowice mine, and 57 in the Marcel mine. These data do not yet include all the results of the screening tests that have been underway since Monday. In total, since the beginning of the epidemic, PGG has infected 2,658 employees (an increase by 17 on Monday), of whom 1,935 are convalescents. 723 employees are sick and 953 are in quarantine.

In Jastrzębska Spółka Węglowa on Tuesday, 5 new cases of infection appeared – four in the Borynia mine in Jastrzębie-Zdrój and one in the Budryk mine in Ornontowice. Since the beginning of the epidemic in JSW mines, 4,060 people have contracted the coronavirus, and 3,964 (97.6%) have recovered. 46 JSW employees are still in quarantine. 96 miners are sick.

Until Tuesday, 276 cases of SARS-CoV-2 were recorded in the private Silesia mine in Czechowice-Dziedzice. 52 people have recovered and 224 are still ill. Since Saturday there have been no new cases. 108 employees of the plant are in quarantine.

According to data from mines, 1043 miners are struggling with the SARS-CoV-2 virus – 723 from PGG, 224 from Silesia mines and 96 from JSW. In total, more than 7.5 thousand have become infected since the beginning of the epidemic. miners, of which approx. 85 percent. recovered.

There have not been so many infections as on Tuesday

The health ministry informed on Tuesday about 680 new confirmed cases of SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus infection and the death of six people. This is the highest daily balance of infection cases since the beginning of the epidemic in Poland. In total, the infection was confirmed in 48,149 people, of whom 1,738 died.

From Tuesday, July 28 to Tuesday, August 4, the Ministry of Health reported a total of 4,747 new cases of infection. On Tuesday, July 28, 502 infections were reported, on Wednesday there were 512, on Thursday – 615, on Friday – 657, on Saturday – 658, on Sunday – 548, on Monday – 575.

The ministry also announced statistics on coronavirus diagnostics on Tuesday. It informed that over 25.8 thous. tests. The total number of samples tested is 2,341,039, and the number of people tested is 1,999,529.

photo-source">Main photo source: Shutterstock

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