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Coronavirus in Poland. Cancer results – October 25, 2020

New infections come from the following voivodeships: Mazowieckie (1,850), Kujawsko-Pomorskie (1,150), Śląskie (1,134), Małopolskie (1,119), Podkarpackie (912), Wielkopolskie (851), Łódzkie (818), Lubelskie (700 ), Dolnośląskie (585), Pomorskie (499), Zachodniopomorskie (474), Świętokrzyskie (405), Opole (381), Warmińsko-Mazurskie (340), Lubuskie (312), Podlasie (212) “.

Four people died due to COVID-19, while 83 people died due to the coexistence of COVID-19 with other diseases. Number of people infected with coronavirus: 253,688 / 4,438 (all positive / including deceased).

Coronavirus. 11 thousand 887 people in hospitals

Due to the coronavirus, there are 11,000 in hospitals. 887 people confirmed to be infected; 947 of them are connected to respirators, the Ministry of Health informed on Sunday. In total, the ministry has 19.5 thousand. beds for patients with COVID-19 and 1.5 thousand. respirators.

At 19 thousand 453 beds for COVID-19 patients, 11,000 were occupied on Saturday. 887, 391 more than on Saturday.

947 patients are connected to the ventilator (out of 1 thousand 457 ventilators currently available), 36 more than the day before. Compared to Saturday, the number of beds for COVID-19 patients has increased by 321 and respirators by 23.

There are 446,000 in quarantine. 154 people (32.6 thousand less than on Saturday). Sanitary and epidemiological supervision covered 49 thousand. 174 people (by 8.6 thousand less).

Since the beginning of the epidemic, 112,000 have recovered. 619 people confirmed to be infected. During the day, 3,000 were added. 275 convalescents.

Coronavirus. Close to the record on Saturday

On Saturday, the Ministry of Health informed about 13 thousand. 628 new and confirmed cases of coronavirus infection.

“We have 13,628 new and confirmed cases of infection #koronawirus from the following voivodeships: Mazowieckie (2026), Małopolskie (1482), Wielkopolskie (1472), Śląskie (1262), Łódzkie (1001), Podkarpacie (891), Kujawsko-Pomorskie (777), Pomeranian (776), Lublin (715), Dolnośląskie (645), Zachodniopomorskie (580), Opolskie (558), Świętokrzyskie (412), Lubuskie (379), Warmińsko-Mazurskie (344), Podlaskie (308) “- the ministry said.

“29 people died due to COVID-19, while 150 people died due to the coexistence of COVID-19 with other diseases” – informs the Ministry of Health.

The number of people infected with the coronavirus in Poland is 241,000. 946 people, of which 4 thous. 351 people died.

From Saturday, all of Poland is a red zone. What does it mean?

The red zone is now in force throughout the country. For the next two weeks, restaurants, cafes and bars provide take-out meals only, and from Monday onwards, in primary schools, from the 4th grade, the learning is remote.

Coronavirus in Poland. Youth, sport and recreation

As far as education is concerned, remote learning, which is currently in force in secondary and tertiary schools, will be joined by older primary school students from the 4th grade. The kindergartens, however, will operate normally. However, young people can go outside from 8.00 to 16.00 only under the supervision of an adult.

In addition, sports events take place without the participation of the public, and cultural events with a maximum participation of 25%. the audience. Swimming pools, gyms, water parks, discos and nightclubs are closed. Restaurants, bars and cafes only serve takeaways. Sanatoriums, as at the beginning of the epidemic, were closed.

Coronavirus in Poland. Trade and transport

At the same time, in stores up to 100 sq m there may be a maximum of five customers per cash register, and in larger ones – over 100 sq m – one per 15 sq m.

Only half the number of seats or 30 percent of passengers can travel in buses and trams. all sitting and standing places. Any meetings, meetings, events and public gatherings are allowed, but the number of participants cannot exceed 5 people. Only people who live together or do it for work purposes can meet in a larger group.

Coronavirus in Poland. Seniors and religion

At the same time, new rules for seniors were introduced. It is recommended that people aged 70 and over should not move, unless they are doing it as part of their profession or going to church or to meet vital necessities, such as shopping. The so-called hours for the senior. Only people over 60 years of age are served in grocery stores, pharmacies, drugstores and at the post office between 10.00 and 12.00. A face mask must be worn in all commercial establishments. Stores must provide customers with disposable gloves and hand sanitizers when shopping.

Another restriction concerns religious ceremonies. A maximum of one person per 7 sq m can participate. Moreover, all participants must cover their mouth and nose.

Coronavirus in Poland. Masks in public space

This obligation also applies to public space, including streets, squares, cemeteries, promenades, boulevards, means of communication. The mask does not need to be put on in a forest, park, green area, botanical or historic garden, on a plot or beach.

Whereas, among others runners, walkers and cyclists who do it recreationally must cover their mouth and nose. Derogation from this rule is for people practicing sports as part of sports competition, sports activities or sports events, horse riding, in the case of a referee or coach.

An exception to this obligation are also children under 5, disabled people or those who cannot do it on their own.

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