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Coronavirus in Poland and holidays. Paramedics with a difficult job

  • Last weekend and high temperatures had one effect. The seaside beaches experienced a real siege. Photos from Władysławowo or Międzyzdroje quickly circulated the Internet
  • In an interview with Onet, the paramedic, Dr. Tomasz Kubiak, does not hide his indignation. – When I see these pictures I think “I’m fucking, what are you people doing? You’re gonna kill us”
  • – Should I speak drastically? Recently, I have had a call for stool problems. The guy – excuse me – couldn’t get away for two days and he had anal pain. Fantastic, right? At that time, we could help someone else – he says

– This is a fight against windmills. Together with WOPR, we did such an action. We recorded a message about the intervals that flew from their car. Do you think it helped? – then told Onet Dariusz Oswald, on duty of the municipal police in Międzyzdroje.

This weekend looks similar. The word “drama” appears most frequently among medics in view of what is happening in seaside resorts. This is the mildest term, we cannot quote any others. However, the rescuers do not mince words. – I’m super pissed off, not to say worse. This is extreme irresponsibility. The worst thing about it is that I, or other lifeguards at 34 degrees, put on overalls and go to a man who has a fever. On the spot, it turns out that he has a fever, because he fell asleep on the grass while sunbathing. I have to put on a mask, overalls, because I do not know if he has a coronavirus or not – says Tomasz Kubiak, paramedic.

– If it turns out that I have it, I will not come back home. And I have a wife in 39 weeks pregnant. This is my torment. It makes me boil when I see pictures of beaches where they are actually lying on top of each other. When I hear from people that they will not wear masks, because you can get mycosis. Please, let them go to children suffering from leukemia, who wear masks all the time, and tell them about it – he adds.

The number of cases has increased considerably in recent days. Despite this, the crowd on the beaches is still growing. As the services say, the weekends are the worst. Then the holidaymakers are visited by those who came only for a few hours to take advantage of the sun.

– When I see these pictures I think “I’m fucking what are you people doing? You’re gonna kill us”. Maybe not in the sense that you will kill us physically, but you will kill us with excess work. Because people keep forgetting that there are other diseases besides COVID. People have heart attacks and accidents. We also go to them. We already lack people. I understand that there is a vacation that people want to rest. But our work is not respected at all. I invite you to go for a visit in a suit and full mask – he says.

“They locked themselves in offices, and they take the money. Pathology”

– Every time we enter the house, we ask you to put on masks. After all, a stranger is entering. We can also deliver. But there are some who don’t care. They say they are at home and they don’t have to. So this is so absurd. They do not believe in the epidemic, but on the other hand, they will not go to the family doctor because the clinics are closed and the doctors only provide teleportation. This is terribly frustrating for the man who goes on duty. Ok, I’m going to earn money, it’s my job, but I only expect culture and respect for the law. After all, the epidemic in Poland is still valid – he emphasizes.

Recently, the number of frivolous calls has increased significantly. Chafing of the epidermis, abdominal pain, joint pain This is what family doctors should do. – But they’re not there. They shut themselves down in front of their computers, they send these people away with nothing. Most often they say “please call an ambulance”. This is pathology. Should I speak drastically? Recently, I have had a call for stool problems. The guy – excuse me – couldn’t get away for two days and he had anal pain. Fantastic, right? During this time, we were able to help someone else. But no, because family doctors charge money for hanging on the phone. And they make diagnoses. We ourselves tell these people that they should submit complaints to the National Health Fund. It cannot be so – the rescuer does not hide his regret.

More and more specialists are saying that the time of teleporting is over. In an interview with Onet, this was also emphasized by a virologist, prof. Miłosz Parczewski. Despite this, most clinics are still closed. – I try to understand these people. They call us because what will they do in the middle of the night, when night care won’t help them, they won’t go to the clinic? They will not call the NHF in the middle of the night with a complaint. They are calling us. This clogs the inefficient and so-called emergency medical system.

Mandates are the only way?

– I believe that at least half of us underwent the coronavirus at the start of the pandemic, when personal protective equipment was lacking. It’s okay now, but people are failing. Prevention is needed. People need to know how to behave. Today I was at a mall, and indeed, people have face masks. But why? Because there were penalties, tickets. Only that systemically it cannot be solved in the case of beaches. Międzyzdroje tried. They have separated zones for sunbathers. Did it do anything? Not really – says Kubiak.

As the lifeguard emphasizes, staff shortages significantly limit the emergency services. An additional problem is that nowadays entire teams are excluded from activities for several hours a day.

– Today there is no respect for a paramedic. I will be speaking brutally. It used to be known that you were calling an ambulance when your arm was cut off. You don’t call with a triviality, because they’ll fuck you up and that’s it. Now there are no penalties. You can call an ambulance for just about anything. With the coronavirus, it only got worse. People have a right to be afraid, but they are probably unaware of how much they put a strain on the system. On calls with suspected coronavirus, we are out of action for at least one hour. We have to decontaminate ourselves and the ambulance, change our clothes. When there is time, you should also take a quick shower, because we are terribly sweaty. This is the time when this ambulance is gone. And there are such shifts when a patient with suspected COVID-19 is taken four times.

Tomasz Kubiak also points out that the problem is that there are no precise guidelines on how to classify a given patient as potentially sick. There is only one criterion at present. Fever. You are enough.

– This is paranoia. We go to a patient with a sprained ankle who must be examined by an orthopedist. On the spot, it turns out that he has a fever. This is the end, because he is not going to the orthopedic hospital. He will go to an infectious contagious hospital. What will an infectious agent with a sprained leg do to him? Nothing, but it has a temperature. The temperature is COVID-19 and that’s it.


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