Home » today » News » Coronavirus in Peru | Ministry of Health: Number of deaths by COVID-19 exceeds 9,000 and the number of infections is 275,989

Coronavirus in Peru | Ministry of Health: Number of deaths by COVID-19 exceeds 9,000 and the number of infections is 275,989

He Ministry of Health (Minsa) reported this Saturday afternoon that so far the death toll from the new coronavirus is 9 135 nationally. This represents an increase of 196 deaths compared to the previous day.

As of June 27, 2020, 1 625 135 discard tests of the COVID-19, obtaining, until 00:00 hours, 275,989 positive results. This means an increase of 3,625 new cases from the previous report.

To date, there are 10 762 hospitalized patients, of whom 1 169 are in ICU with mechanical ventilation.

Lima continues to be the region with the highest number of people infected by COVID-19 with 154 713 cases. They are followed by Callao (17 747), Piura (16 461), Lambayeque (13 259), La Libertad (9490), Loreto (8835), Ancash (7752), Ucayali (7528), Ica (6981), Arequipa (6682) , San Martín (4361), Junín (3633), Tumbes (2518).

Huánuco (2128), Amazonas (1971), Cajamarca (1929), Cusco (1727), Ayacucho (1717), Madre de Dios (1599), Pasco (922), Moquegua (915), Huancavelica (869), Tacna (869 ), Puno (853) and Apurímac (530) also reported cases.

He Minsa also reported that, of the total of positive cases, to date 164 024 people completed their period of home isolation or were given discharge from a health facility.

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