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Coronavirus in Mexico: 1,569 deaths and 16,752 confirmed cases

The passage of the coronavirus in Mexico continues its advance. According to the report of the Ministry of Health (SSa) of this Tuesday, in Mexico have been reported 16,752 cumulative confirmed cases and 1,569 deaths from the disease.

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From the National Palace, the director of Epidemiology, José Luis Alomía, explained that of all the cases, only 5,329 started with symptoms in the last 14 days. This represents one third of the total accumulated cases.

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Regarding the number of accumulated suspicious cases, the figure amounts to 11,220 and the tests that have given negative results add up to 49,033. The total of people studied with suspected coronavirus in the country, as reported by the epidemiologist, is 77,005.

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By states of the Republic, the data shows that Mexico City continues to record the highest number of infections and deaths, with 4,474 and 348 respectively. This entity is followed by State of Mexico (2,722), Tabasco (890), Sinaloa (803), Quintana Roo (698), and Puebla (583).

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Another issue that has been discussed in the health crisis is that of ventilated beds available to care for people who may have complications from the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

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On this, Dr. Alomía indicated that until this Tuesday, Mexico City it has 67% availability, before the occupation of 33% of the total. After said demarcation, the State of Mexico is positioned as the second entity with less space to attend to patients, with 77% of beds available for patients with coronavirus and 23% occupancy.

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The director of Epidemiology added that “as cases increase, this will cause serious cases and critical cases to increase, and so we may be seeing a decrease in the availability of beds and consequently an increase in occupancy which is, precisely, one of the objectives of the National Day of Healthy Distance, that the occupation does not increase ”.

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On the other hand, Alomía spoke about the incidence rate of active cases in the state, taking as a reference the figure established at the national level of 4.17, shows that The Mexican capital is the entity with the largest active epidemic (16.86%), Tabasco (12.67%), Quintana Roo (10.73%), Sinaloa (6.55%), Yucatan (6.46%) and Baja California (5.52%) also stand out.

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Regarding the international scene, the epidemiologist noted that the Americas region continues to concentrate the highest number of positive cases of the disease, with 51.4%, in comparison of Europe that has reported 35.9% of the total people infected with coronavirus. On the other hand, the global case fatality rate is positioned at 6.9%.

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Deaths distributed by federal entities locate the Mexico City at the helm, followed mainly by Baja California, Sinaloa, State of Mexico, Tabasco, Quintana Roo, and Puebla.

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And is that the disease in Mexico, according to figures from the SSa report last Monday, it has recharged its lethality to the age group that goes from 45 to 55 years. In addition to this, the undersecretary of Prevention and Health Promotion, Hugo López-Gatell, reported last week that it is estimated that eight out of ten critically ill Mexicans will die of coronavirus.

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In the same way, the health authorities They have urged the population not to minimize the severity of the epidemic and to continue to abide by the measures established by the National Day of Healthy Distance., which were extended until May 30, with the aim of mitigating the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus in high transmission municipalities.

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However, the Ministry of Health has also made the clarification that, if found in a demarcation where there is low or no transmission of COVID-19, the measures established for the containment of the disease may begin to be gradually lifted on May 18. This while continuing to follow hygiene and social distancing recommendations, in addition to continuing to protect the vulnerable group against the coronavirus pandemic.

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