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Coronavirus in Lombardy, obligation to wear masks for two more weeks

In Lombardy there is an obligation to wear the mask extended for two weeks. The Region confirmed the restriction. The governor Attilio Fontana confirmed it to twenty-four hours after the expiry of the previous ordinance. “We have talked for a long time with many experts and we believe that as a precaution it is right to continue in this direction, given that the numbers are going well” – explained the governor.

Lombardy had been the first region to adopt the obligation on 4 April. When the epidemic of Covid 19 had touched the first peak. Despite the improvement in the meantime, the Region has preferred to confirm the restriction in the end for all citizens to cover their mouth and nose not only indoors, but also outdoors. Even with a scarf. A measure that some exponents of the center-right majority who govern Lombardy, in reality, they had asked to overcome or at least to downsizing, due to the heat that could now increase the discomfort of some sections of the population. Like the elderly.

For the League, for example, it was Emanuele Monti, president of the Pirellone Health Commission, who went so far as to openly declare that wearing masks “an obligation that must lapse. Because in this phase with the heat in the open spaces and with the data we are recording, there are all the conditions to end this obligation. Spacing between people remains fundamental and here the role of the mayors is fundamental “.

Scientists had been holding back on this hypothesis. Such as Giuseppe Remuzzi, director of the Mario Negri foundation, who while admitting that “the new positives are not contagious,” he added, “we must say things as they are, without giving up masks and distancing. Because those are the things that probably protected us”. Also Massimo Galli, head of the infectious diseases department of Sacco had expressed his doubts: “We are still quite far from a safe situation with respect to the circulation of the virus. We can expect it to behave in a vaguely similar manner to the flu and to recur with the ability to recreate important epidemic situations. ” With this new ordinance, Lombardy is a candidate to be the last region to eliminate the obligation to use the mask outdoors.

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