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Coronavirus in Leipzig: No more vaccination sequence in Saxony’s doctor’s offices

UPDATE, May 20, 2:18 p.m.: Saxony-Anhalt is significantly easing corona rules after Whitsun

Saxony-Anhalt’s Prime Minister (67, CDU) is holding out the prospect of further easing due to the positive development of the situation. (Archive image) © Sina Schuldt / dpa

Hotels, fitness studios and the interiors of restaurants can finally reopen in many areas of Saxony-Anhalt in the coming week: The state government announced on Thursday that the corona rules would be largely relaxed from Tuesday. The condition for openings is that the seven-day incidence in the relevant district or urban district is below 100 on five consecutive working days. From five days under 50, the rules are to be relaxed further.

The schools should according to the plan of the state government open again for all pupils this school year. All districts are currently below the incidence value of 165 – so can after the Whitsun holidays on Tuesday all schools will reopen at least with a limited supply.

In addition to the hotels, sports studios and restaurants are supposed to also more cultural events again be possible, albeit under strict guidelines. Originally, the state government had planned to only allow the additional easing as soon as the districts were below 100 for a longer period of time. Prime Minister Reiner Haseloff (67, CDU) said that this was due to the positive development since Tuesday.

UPDATE, May 20, 2:11 p.m .: Centers offer vaccinations with Astrazeneca for 40 to 59 year olds

In Saxony’s vaccination centers, people aged 40 and over can now be vaccinated against corona with Astrazeneca. The German Red Cross announced on Thursday that the vaccine was administered there to people over the age of 60, but now the vaccination is also offered in all centers for people between 40 and 59 years of age. However, this does not change the sequence of vaccinations.

As a result authorization must be available for such an appointment, i.e. the person to be vaccinated belongs to one of the approved groups. According to the information on the online booking portal, those wishing to vaccinate can now register targeted free dates for an Astrazeneca vaccination display and book.

So far, the preparation has been vaccinated by the family doctor – now without the vaccination sequence. The vaccine has recently been administered again to people over 60 in the vaccination centers.

UPDATE, May 20, 11:57 a.m.: 4500 rapid corona tests from Leipzig for military hospital in Vietnam

Leipzig companies and private individuals have donated 4,500 rapid corona tests for a military hospital in Vietnam. “With today’s donation, we can return the favor for the willingness to help which was not taken for granted last year and support our Vietnamese friends in the fight against the virus, “said Mayor Burkhard Jung (63, SPD) on Thursday.

In April 2020, the Military Hospital 125 in Ho Chi Minh City donated 10,000 face masks, 1,000 protective gowns, as well as goggles, gloves and shoe covers. You were on University Hospital Leipzig and the urban St. Georg Clinic been distributed.

The donation campaign was initiated and coordinated by the German-Vietnamese House Association together with the Office for Economic Development and the International Cooperation Department. “True friendship shows itself in difficult times. We are pleased that our wish for support for the MH 175 has become a reality,” said Alexander Redeker, Chairman of the German-Vietnamese House Association.

Leipzig donates 4,500 rapid corona tests to a military hospital in Ho Chi Minh City in Vietnam.

Leipzig donates 4,500 rapid corona tests to a military hospital in Ho Chi Minh City in Vietnam. © Morten Hübbe / dpa-tmn

UPDATE, May 20, 9.46 a.m.: Incidence value is falling in Saxony – only two districts over 100

The rate of new corona infections continues to decline in Saxony, but is still higher than the national average. The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) put the seven-day incidence on Thursday at 85.5. The previous day the value was 87.9. It indicates how many new infections there were per 100,000 inhabitants within seven days. Nationwide, the incidence fell to 68. After Thuringia (106.8), Saxony remains the state with the highest incidence.

Of the 13 regions in Saxony, only the Ore Mountains (182.4) and Central Saxony (110.5) are above the 100 threshold. It is also important for corona relaxation. The The city of Leipzig was the only Saxon region with the corona incidence of 47.7 below the 50 limit on Thursday and this for the second day in a row. If the incidence falls consistently below 50, are further easing possible. Hotels and guesthouses are allowed to reopen, testing and appointment bookings are no longer required for outdoor restaurants. For this, the value must be below 50 for five working days in a row.

According to the Robert Koch Institute, 28 new deaths have been reported in Saxony. This means that 9,483 people have died from or with the coronavirus since the beginning of the pandemic.

UPDATE, May 20, 9:13 a.m.: Only the Harz district with a corona value over 100

While in the whole of Saxony-Anhalt the number of new infections per 100,000 inhabitants continues to decline within a week, the Harz district is also approaching the 100 mark for the seven-day incidence. According to the Robert Koch Institute, the district was 104.5 on Thursday. The district of Anhalt-Bitterfeld was still at the forefront with an incidence of 29, followed by the district of Börde with 34.5.

Nationwide, the seven-day incidence was 62.9 on Thursday, according to the RKI. 275 new infections with the coronavirus were reported within 24 hours. In addition, seven other deaths were registered in connection with Covid 19 disease. In the country’s hospitals, 79 intensive care beds were still occupied with Covid patients, 49 of whom had to be artificially ventilated, as announced by the German Interdisciplinary Association for Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine.

UPDATE, May 19, 3:45 p.m.: Leipzig Tourist Information opens again

From May 20th the Tourist information at Katharinenstrasse 8 be open again. For the time being, this will be done with reduced opening times: Monday to Saturday from 10.30 a.m. to 2.30 p.m.

In addition, on May 21st there will be 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. every day City tours offered by Leipzig Erleben GmbH.

UPDATE, May 19, 3:16 p.m .: Restaurants and hotels in the Anhalt-Bitterfeld district open

As part of a model project, restaurants and hotels in the Anhalt-Bitterfeld district are allowed to reopen from Thursday.  (Symbol image)

As part of a model project, restaurants and hotels in the Anhalt-Bitterfeld district are allowed to reopen from Thursday. (Symbol picture) © Axel Heimken / dpa

Restaurants and accommodation providers in the Anhalt-Bitterfeld district are allowed to reopen from Thursday as part of a model project.

The project is limited to June 17 and ends prematurely if the seven-day incidence exceeds 100 on three consecutive days, the district office announced on Wednesday in Köthen. It is currently 29.7.

Restaurants and accommodation providers who want to open must notify the district of this. Only companies that accept the concept and the requirements of the District Office and confirm this in writing can take part.

This includes appointing a test officer. He must ensure that all employees are tested at least twice a week using a quick test and that the respective results are documented.

Guests also have to prove a negative corona test, which must not be older than 24 hours. According to the information, this applies to all adults and children from the age of six. A self-test is not enough. Fully vaccinated and convalescent people who have proof of this and who have no symptoms of an infection with the coronavirus are exempt from the obligation to test.

UPDATE, May 19, 1 p.m.: Swimming lessons at Saxon schools are starting again

According to the Ministry of Culture, swimming lessons at the Saxon schools can be resumed immediately. The aim is for the students to receive 20 to 25 hours of swimming lessons in the nine weeks leading up to the summer vacation. In doing so, they should, if possible, the Reach basic level. There are also plans to offer swimming courses during the holidays. For this, 600,000 euros would be available for financing.

As the ministry announced on Wednesday, around 38,000 pupils only had very short swimming lessons in the current school year. The indoor swimming pools have been closed since November 2nd due to the corona pandemic. The basic requirement for the resumption of lessons is a seven-day incidence below 165.

The schools in Saxony are allowed to resume swimming lessons with immediate effect.  (Symbol image)

The schools in Saxony are allowed to resume swimming lessons with immediate effect. (Symbol picture) © Sina Schuldt / dpa

UPDATE, May 19, 10:56 a.m.: Leipzig is the first Saxon region with a corona incidence below 50

The city of Leipzig is the first Saxon region to have the corona incidence below the 50 limit again. According to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), the value on Wednesday was 48.9. It indicates how many new infections there were per 100,000 inhabitants within seven days.

If the incidence falls consistently below 50, further easing is possible. Hotels and guesthouses are allowed to reopen, testing and appointment bookings are no longer required for outdoor restaurants. For this, the value must be below 50 for five working days in a row.

The incidence continues to decline across the country as well. According to the RKI, it was 87.9 in Saxony on Wednesday. On Tuesday it was 104.8. Nationwide, the incidence fell to 72.8.

Of the 13 regions in Saxony, only the Ore Mountains (202.1), Central Saxony (111.5) and the district of Görlitz (102.1) are above the 100 threshold. It is also important for corona relaxation.

However, they are Numbers fraught with uncertainty. According to the RKI, fewer people visit a doctor on public holidays and bridge days like last week, which means that fewer samples are taken and fewer laboratory tests are carried out. This means that fewer pathogens are reported to the health authorities, which is also reflected in the numbers for the days after.

According to the Robert Koch Institute, 68 new deaths have been reported in Saxony. This means that 9,455 corona patients have died since the beginning of the pandemic.

UPDATE, May 19, 10 a.m.: Almost all of Saxony-Anhalt with Corona weekly values ​​below 100

In almost all districts of Saxony-Anhalt, the value of corona infections per 100,000 inhabitants is within one week to below 100 sunk.

Only the district Harz According to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) on Wednesday, it still has a seven-day incidence of more than 100 and is currently 111.6. The district has the lowest values Anhalt-Bitterfeld with 29.7 and the district Börde with 45.6.

According to the RKI, the incidence nationwide was 69.6. Compared to Tuesday were reportedly 240 new infections counted. A little more than 11,000 new cases were reported nationwide; the RKI gave the seven-day incidence at 72.8.

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