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Coronavirus in Leipzig: emergency childcare for all single parents with a job?

UPDATE, April 24, 6.25 a.m .: Leipzig expert: Seniors are often well prepared for the corona crisis

Even if many contact blocks are loosened again: For many seniors, the isolation in the corona crisis is far from over – because they belong to the risk people. However, many older people are particularly well equipped for such a challenge, says psychologist Prof. Anja Mehnert-Theuerkauf: “Physically older people are more susceptible to the corona crisis, but mentally but maybe even more robust.”

The reason for this is hers greater life experience. “Those who are older have probably already mastered a certain number of life crises.” These could be divorces or serious illnesses. “Anyone who has something like this behind them often has a certain repertoire of internal resources and coping options.”

Due to the long duration of the isolation, the corona crisis is still particularly hard. So that this has no negative consequences, Mehnert-Theuerkauf recommends to stay as active as possible – and to fill empty days with structure.

“Doing something is always better than doing nothing,” says the psychologist. “You should aim for something nice every day. Whether it’s an interesting TV show, a phone call with friends or a good meal, a nice breakfast.”

About the person: Prof. Anja Mehnert-Theuerkauf heads the Department of Medical Psychology and Sociology at Leipzig University Hospital.

UPDATE, April 23, 10 p.m .: New case numbers for Saxony

As of Thursday evening, there are new case numbers for Saxony. Overall, have already 4466 people infected with the corona virus, including 536 Leipzig. There are 184 registered infections in the Leipzig district and 131 in the Northern Saxony district.

(Graphic) © TAG24


(Graphic) © TAG24


(Graphic) © TAG24

UPDATE, April 23, 5.20 p.m .: Police 19 times on the move with a Corona cover

The officers of the Leipzig police were between Wednesday and Thursday 19 times on the go with a corona cover. Among other things, the police interrupted one party with six people in a courtyard in Eilenburg and had to approach when a visitor to a supermarket in Leipzig-Ost did not attend Mouth protection obligation wanted to hold.

UPDATE, April 23, 4 p.m .: Government advises: get a better test if you have cold symptoms

The state government has appealed to the doctor if you have symptoms of a cold and to be tested for corona. The Test capacities are there. According to Health Minister Petra Köpping (61, SPD), Saxony can currently 10,000 corona tests daily be performed. However, only 30 to 35 percent of this capacity is currently used.

This is at the end of the cold and flu season – there are fewer people with symptoms. And only symptoms are tested according to the recommendation of the RKI. Employees in particular should act immediately in the event of symptoms. “This is the only way we can track the infection routes,” said Köpping. A test Incidentally, it costs 39 to 49 euros. The costs did not matter, only the requirements of the RKI.

UPDATE, April 23, 3:50 p.m .: WGT still not officially canceled

On the part of the organizers of the Wave Gotik meeting on Pentecost weekend in Leipzig it still has no official cancellation of the popular spectacle given. “For complex reasons, we have so far been reluctant to make statements, especially since the legal situation rather diffuse appears. What is certain is that we want to make every effort to maintain the tradition of the WGT at Pentecost “, says a post on Thursday afternoon.

Since the WGT at numerous locations in Leipzig and thus decentralized takes place, it is not a major event in the conventional sense, according to the organizers. No concrete discussion has yet been held with the city.

Will the gothic be allowed to stroll through the Leipzig city area this year?

Will the gothic be allowed to stroll through the Leipzig city area this year? © Peter Endig / dpa-Zentralbild / dpa

UPDATE, April 23, 3:10 p.m .: Italian corona patient died at Helios Klinikum

As the heart center and the Helios Park Clinic announced on Thursday, the second COVID-19 patient from Italy is on Wednesday deceased. The cause of death was one Multi organ failure.

Most recently, the condition of the 70-year-old had improved. However complicated numerous previous diseases the treatment of the man. “The patient had numerous previous illnesses, such as diabetes and an arterial circulatory disorder. A secondary infection that he brought with him from Italy also affected his weakened immune system,” said Prof. Dr. Gerhard Hindricks, the medical director at the Leipzig Heart Center.

“We are sad and disappointed that we are second COVID-19 dead complained to our clinic within a few days, “added the doctor. Two patients from Italy had been ventilated at the Leipzig clinic for about a month. The first of the two was already on the weekend deceased.

Professor Dr. Gerhard Hindricks, Medical Director Heart Center Leipzig, in the COVID intensive care unit.

Professor Dr. Gerhard Hindricks, Medical Director Heart Center Leipzig, in the COVID intensive care unit. © Christian Hüller / Helios Kliniken

UPDATE, April 23, 3 p.m .: University hospital is looking for recovered Covid-19 patients for study

For the study of a therapy against the coronavirus that is looking for University Hospital Leipzig (UKL) Blood donors that tested positive for Sars-CoV-2. In addition, the donor has been symptom-free for two weeks, between 18 and 60 years old and there should be two negative Sars CoV-2 tests, the UKL announced on Thursday. The tests could also be carried out at the UKL.

The therapy is said to involve blood plasma from recovered Covid 19 patients in patients with severe course of the disease be used. “In the best case, the patient’s body can use the transfused antibodies of the donor to successfully fight the virus and thus have a positive influence on the course of the disease,” explained Prof. Reinhard Henschler, director of the Institute for Transfusion Medicine at the University Hospital Leipzig.

Worldwide are currently several studies plannedto examine the effectiveness of this therapy. The Institute for Transfusion Medicine at the UKL is also participating in a nationwide coordinated study.

Potential candidates for the tests should report to the UKL.

Potential candidates for the tests should report to the UKL. © Stefan Straube / UKL

UPDATE, April 23, 1:35 p.m .: East mechanical engineering is suffering from a poor order situation

The corona crisis has exacerbated the problems in East German mechanical and plant engineering. The The order situation is tense, production capacities are underutilized and short-time work is widespread, the VDMA association announced on Thursday.

In some cases, machines could not be delivered to customers because fitters would not have access to closed business premises or be subject to travel restrictions. In addition, transports took a long time. 65 percent of the companies expected a rather bad, 22 percent a very bad fiscal year 2020.

A survey of 350 member companies in Berlin, Brandenburg, Saxony, Thuringia, Saxony-Anhalt and Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania showed that. The structural change in the automotive and energy industries, as well as international risks, had already hit mechanical engineering in the past year.

UPDATE, April 23, 12.10 p.m .: Protective measures at schools: Council of state pupils demands controls

The State Student Council (LSR) Saxony has requested controls at schools to check whether corona protective measures are being properly implemented. According to the LSR, hygiene measures and protective regulations are not implemented everywhere.

“This inconsistency is unacceptable,” state student spokeswoman Joanna Kesicka said on Thursday. Maintaining distances and hygiene regulations must be observed – and checked by school supervisory authorities if necessary. “If individual schools are unable to afford to adhere to the requirements, they will need a special route – up to an extension of the closure of this school,” said Kesicka.

High school graduates in Saxony’s schools have been preparing for their exams since Monday, and on Wednesday the schools opened for final classes of other types of school.

UPDATE, April 23, 11:10 a.m .: Leipzig receives further private donations

The city of Leipzig is entitled to more private donations to curb the corona virus looking forward.

The Association of Vietnamese Leipzig e.V., which includes many families and traders with Vietnamese roots, has 4000 mouth-nose covers sewn and hand them over to those responsible. The masks were washable, multi-layered and reusable, the city said.

“We followed Mayor Burkhard Jung’s call and want to support the city with the self-sewn masks. We work very carefully due to the hygiene regulations. Many active seamstresses have registered with our association, most of them were formerly guest workers in the GDR. We want to produce many more masks, “said Bui Quang Huy, chairman of the association.

The Chinese city of Shenyang brokered the deal through the BMW branch there 20,000 medical face masks donated. The 28 boxes arrived yesterday Wednesday (see photo below).

Add to that 8000 medical FFP2 masks the Leipzig company HeiterBlick and 2000 FFP1 masks Renmin University Beijing, partner university of Leipzig University.

You will find instructions on how to sew a mouth-nose covering yourself and further information on the subject >>> here.

Donation handover in front of the New Town Hall.

Donation handover in front of the New Town Hall. © City of Leipzig

UPDATE, April 23, 10.30 a.m .: Dulig calls for improvements to short-time work benefits

For Saxony’s Minister of Economic Affairs Martin Dulig (46), the improvements decided by the grand coalition apply Short-time work allowance too short – especially with a view of eastern Germany. “We have to improve there,” said the SPD politician on Thursday. Dulig referred to the special situation in the east with lower wages and less wage-bound companies.

In Saxony, there is also the largest proportion of people nationwide minimum wage Respectively. 85 percent of those receiving short-time benefits are located below the wage average. That is why a quick increase in short-time work benefits is necessary, said Dulig. “We need a regulation now and not in four or seven months.”

The leaders of the grand coalition had agreed on a higher short-time allowance on Thursday night. The package provides that affected employees can earn more from May 1 to the end of the year – up to the full amount of their previous monthly income.

In addition, short-time work benefits will be increased to 70 percent (77 percent for households with children) from the fourth month and to 80 percent (87 percent for households with children) from the eighth month.

Saxony's Minister of Economic Affairs Martin Dulig (46).

Saxony’s Minister of Economic Affairs Martin Dulig (46). © Robert Michael / dpa

UPDATE, April 23, 8:30 a.m .: Saxony’s municipalities call for a bailout fund for the corona crisis

Saxony’s cities and towns face the Corona crisis clear demands to the Free State.

“The country has to Municipal protection package say goodbye or one Rescue package over the municipalities, “said Mischa Woitscheck, managing director of the Saxon City and Community Day (SSG). The measures would have to intercept additional expenditure on the one hand, but also take into account upcoming loss of income on the other.

You also need Budget relief. The state of Saxony had already announced that part of the planned special fund for the corona consequences would be given to the municipalities. Woitscheck numbered the volume of the reserve at least 1.5 billion euros for this year.

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