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Coronavirus in Italy, today’s bulletin June 28: update on positive cases, inpatients and healed

There are 174 new ones infected with coronavirus today, substantially stable compared to yesterday when they had been 175. The total number of cases thus rises to 240,310. Over half of the new Covid positives (97) are in Lombardy; Emilia Romagna follows (+21). On the other hand, the number of victims after 8 am increased: 22, 13 of them in Lombardy. Overall the death toll rises to 34,738. Today, Covid patients in intensive care are increasing by one unit: 98, 43 of them in Lombardy. There are 1,160 people hospitalized with symptoms, one hundred less than yesterday, 15,423 people in home isolation, 56 less than yesterday and 16,681 currently positive (155 less than yesterday). The 22 victims were registered in Lombardy (13), Emilia Romagna (1), Piedmont (5), Veneto (1), Liguria (1) and Abruzzo (1). Nothing died in the other 14 regions.

The number of swabs made in the last twenty-four hours amounts to 37,346, for a total of 5,314,619.

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A new positivity and no death in South TyrolSince the beginning of the emergency in the province of Bolzano, there have been 2,637 positive people in the swab: in one day, 8 to 5 covid patients hospitalized in the normal wards of the seven South Tyrolean hospitals fell. Only one patient remains in the ICU.

In Lombardy, on the basis of today’s report released by the Region. 97 new positive cases. 13 deaths for a total of 16,639. There were 8,119 swabs for a total of 1,022,440. There are 111 healed / discharged for a total of 66,175 (63,699 healed and 2,476 discharged). Inpatients in intensive care are 43 (-), those not in intensive care 323 (-92). As for the data by province, it should be noted that in Milan there were 16 new cases, 4 of which in Milan city.

5 deaths of positive people at the Covid-19 test reported in the afternoon by the Region’s Crisis Unit Piedmont, one of which is currently registered today (remember that the cumulative update data communicated daily also includes deaths occurred in the previous days and only subsequently ascertained as Covid deaths). 31,336 (+14 compared to yesterday, of which 11 asymptomatic) have so far been positive. Intensive care patients are 12 (+0 compared to yesterday). 305 inpatients not in intensive care (+2 compared to yesterday).

Four new positives in the last 24 hours in Liguria and one dead: the total positives since the beginning of the epidemic are 1363, 46 less than yesterday. There are 54 hospitalized, one less than yesterday: of these 3 are in intensive care. In the last 24 hours 49 people recovered with double negative tampon for a total of 7046. In home isolation there are 221 people, 5 more than yesterday, while in active surveillance there are 393 people.

Only five new cases of virus positivity have been registered in Veneto, where there was no victim compared to yesterday. This was reported by the Region’s bulletin this morning. The total number of infected people thus rises to 19,275, the number of deaths (between hospitals and rest homes) remains stationary at 2,007. Inpatients in normal Covid wards drop by one unit (186), while the number of patients in intensive care units remains stable, 11. The current positives are 460, while those recovered since the start of the pandemic are 16,807.

People currently coronavirus positive in Friuli Venezia Giulia they drop to 102, four less than yesterday. A case of positivity detected. No patient is under intensive care, while there are 12 inpatients in other wards. No new deaths were recorded (345 in total).

In Emilia Romagna 28,456 positive cases were recorded, 21 more than yesterday, of which 16 asymptomatic people identified through regional screening activities. There are 19 new healings for a total of 23,161, 81% of those infected since the beginning of the crisis. Active cases are stable, that is the number of actual patients, which today are 1,042 (one more than yesterday). There are 12 ICU patients, one more than yesterday, those hospitalized in the other Covid wards are 108 (+2).

In Tuscany there are 5 new positive cases and zero deaths. There are 2 more (+ 10%) people hospitalized in the beds dedicated to Covid patients which today are 22 in total, of which 6 in intensive care (stable compared to yesterday).

In Umbria neither new cases nor victims: a new recovered registered, 14 currently positive remain. Three hospitalized patients were stable, one of whom was in intensive care.

The number of inpatients (9) for coronaviruses in hospitals in Market it has not changed in the last 24 hours but there is one less patient in semi-intensive (from two to one in Ancona). At the same time there was an additional hospitalization in non-intensive wards Currently there are no patients in intensive care and in the post-acute area, one in semi-intensive (in Ancona) and eight in non-intensive wards (in addition to the six in Macerata, two in Fermo). The healed continue to increase (from 5,437 to 5,479) and the positive ones in home isolation decrease (from 348 to 311). 559 people are isolated in the home due to contacts with the infected (119 with symptoms), including 30 health workers.

In Lazio there are 14 new positive cases, six of which in Rome, and zero deaths. “The Fiumicino outbreak is under control: at the moment they are not positive among the customers of the two catering businesses”: the regional health councilor Alessio D’Amato said.

In Campania no new positives or victims in the last 24 hours: the Regional Crisis Unit announced in the usual bulletin. The total of positives remains unchanged at 4,665 out of 277,560 swabs, those of the victims at 431. No new recovered: the total is the same as yesterday, 4,071.

Zero new cases and zero deaths in Puglia. 3842 patients recovered (+1 compared to yesterday) and 146 currently positive cases (-1) of which 27 (like yesterday) those hospitalized, none in intensive care.

People tested positive for coronavirus in Calabria are 1,180 (+1 compared to yesterday).

In Sardinia there are 1,364 cases of positivity at Covid-19, with a new case of contagion in the Metropolitan City of Cagliari. There are a total of 6 hospitalized patients, none in intensive care, while 8 are people in home isolation. The progressive data of positive cases includes 1,199 patients recovered, plus another 19 clinically cured. The number of victims remains unchanged, 132 in all.

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