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Coronavirus in Italy, shops, bars, restaurants close. Transport guaranteed

Italy has been armored. After the request arrived from Lombardy, the government decides that the whole peninsula will be a “red zone” to contain the epidemic of coronavirus (here the data updated to 11 March: 12,462 cases and 827 deaths). All shops, bars and restaurants close. The movement of people will be limited to truly indispensable needs such as shopping and medicines. The measures will be in effect from March 12 to March 25.

I made a pact with my conscience: the health of the Italians ranks first. Just a few days ago I asked you to change your lifestyle, to stay at home. I was aware that it was a first step, and that it would not be the last. now to take a step further, the premier began Giuseppe Conte. He added: Shortly I will also nominate a Special Commissioner, with wide derogating powers, which will be able to enhance the production of goods that are needed. The commissioner (Domenico Arcuri, CEO of Invitalia, editor’s note) coordinates with Dr. Borrelli and with the Civil Protection structure, to whom I thank you. If we all respect these rules we will quickly get out of this emergency, the country needs the responsibility of each of us. We are part of the same community: everyone benefits from their own and others’ sacrifices. We are a community of individuals. Let’s stay away today to embrace all of us then. All together we will make it, he concluded.

What does it close?

Suspensions – according to reports from the Prime Minister – retail business, except for the sale of food and basic necessities.
Closed i street markets.
Closed i bar, i pub, i restaurants.
And i canteen services which do not guarantee the interpersonal distance of one meter. I remain closed business departments not indispensable for production: industries and factories will be able to continue to carry out their production activities on condition that they take adequate safety measures to avoid contagion. The regulation of work shifts, early holidays, closure of non-essential departments is encouraged.

What is left open?

Commercial activities related to the sale of food and basic necessities, the pharmacies, the drugstores, the newsagents, i tobacconists: everyone must enforce the interpersonal safety distance of one meter.
The catering with home delivery, in compliance with very precise health and hygiene standards.
They remain open restaurants in road and motorway service areas and in railway stations, airports and hospitals.
THE Bank services, financial, insurance.
The petrol pumps, the hydraulic, i mechanical he artisans.
The activity of agricultural sector, zootechnical and of agri-transformation.
Industries is factories – said the Prime Minister – they will continue their activities on the condition that they protect workers with special safety protocols.

What changes?

The functioning of public transport, which will be able to adapt the number of trips to guarantee only the minimum essential services.

The mother rule

The premier explained that the parent rule remains the same: we have to limit the movement, limiting them to reasons of necessity, emergency, or to do the shopping. The effect of this great effort, Conte said, we will be able to see in a couple of weeks. We must not think that already tomorrow, in the coming days, we will be able to measure the impact of these measures. If we all respect these rules we will quickly get out of this emergency: the country needs the responsibility of each of us. We are part of the same community: everyone benefits from their own and others’ sacrifices. We are a community of individuals. Let’s stay away today to embrace all of us then. All together we will do it.

The background

For hours Palazzo Chigi worked on an ad hoc decree for Lombardy alone, which for days, frightened by the exponential increase in infections and deaths, called for the closure of everything. But then at the top of the government the theses of the minister Francesco Boccia (who pushed to launch homogeneous rules, valid for the whole national territory) and the pressing of Roberto Speranza prevailed. The Health manager has been insisting on the hard line and the axis with the Lombard president Attilio Fontana was fundamental in convincing Giuseppe Conte to take on the weight of a strong and serious decision. Hope the least shy, the minister of Leu has understood everything, the League governor confided to his collaborators. The Democratic Party, which contested leopard spots, agreed. The M5S, which had pushed to reject the first version of Fontana’s letter to Conte, because weak, vague and incomplete, supports the government’s decision. And Matteo Renzi can only rejoice since for days, in line with Matteo Salvini, he asked the Prime Minister for the courage of another, energetic turn of the key. In the letter sent by the Lombardy Region to President Giuseppe Conte that he had solicited a detailed request the activities to be closed were listed. In particular. All retail business, with the exception of those relating to public utility services, essential public services, the sale of basic necessities and newsstands; all the shopping centers, the shops inside them and the sales departments of non-essential goods; street and indoor markets and medium and large sales structures; bars, pubs, restaurants of all kinds; craft service activities (eg hairdressers, beauticians, etc.) with the exception of emergency and emergency services; all hotels and any other activities intended for reception (e.g. hostels, farmhouses, etc. ..) with the exception of those identified as necessary for the purpose of carrying out public service activities; suspension of all canteen services both in public and private facilities; closure of all tertiary and professional services, with the exception of those related to public utility.

March 11, 2020 (change March 11, 2020 | 10:56 pm)


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