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Coronavirus in Italy: doctor with dramatic statements – “These people are already considered dead”

The spread of corona virus has largely shut down public life in Italy: shops, bars and schools are closed, the borders are sealed off. The number of infected people is increasing. A doctor describes dramatic conditions.

  • In Italy public life is currently largely paralyzed due to the corona virus *.
  • Most shops are closed and the national borders are completely sealed off.
  • So far, more than 15,000 people have been infected, and there are more than 1,000 dead.

Update at 10.50 p.m .: The seamless border and health controls on the Austrian-Italian border because of the Corona virus provide spectacular traffic delays.

Fighting the Corona Virus: Checks on the Brenner between Austria and Italy.

© dpa / Matthias Balk

Like the Italian daily newspaper La Repubblica reported that there were up to 90 kilometers of traffic jams on Wednesday and Thursday Brenner motorway between the border post and Bolzano in South Tyrol.

According to this, it mainly affects truck drivers who sometimes have nothing to do for hours.

Doctors dispute in Italy over the corona virus

Update at 10 p.m .: Doctors dispute in Italy: And all because of the Corona virus.

Roberto Fumagalli, director of the anesthesia and resuscitation department in a Milan hospital, vehemently disagreed with claims that older clinics in Lombardy hospitals screened out patients who were even more likely to survive.

“It is not true that we let patients die,” Fumagalli said aloud Radio Lombardia. In addition, it would not apply to the treatment of Corona patients According to the doctor, the doctor described the age.

Update at 7 p.m .: Italy continue to fight bravely with the Corona virus and its consequences.

In Italy the number of deaths from the new lung disease has risen to more than 1,000.

Italy: Coronavirus death toll increases

Civil protection in Rome announced on Thursday that the number of on Corona virus dead people rose by 189 compared to Wednesday. This means that 1016 people in Italy are now caused by the virus Lung disease Covid-19 died, it is said.

According to the information in Italy – as of Thursday evening – 15,113 people on Corona virus infected, that is 2651 more than the day before. The northern Italian region of Lombardy remains the most affected, with 744 deaths and more than 8,700 infections.

Brescia: Paramedics work in front of emergency tents that have been set up near a hospital.

© dpa / Luca Bruno

146 deaths and more than 1900 infections were reported from the neighboring region of Emilia Romagna. Italy is now the second largest country affected by the coronavirus crisis worldwide. Only China, where the virus started in December, had more deaths.

Update at 5.20 p.m .: Dramatic reports about the Corona virus out Italy.

The Italian anesthetist Christian Salaroli caused a sensation with an interview – you could also call it an urgent appeal.

Corona virus in Italy: alarm call for help from an anesthetist

“If someone is between 80 and 95 years old and has major breathing problems, we usually don’t continue the treatment,” said the doctor to the high-circulation Italian daily newspaper Corriere della Sera.

Even people who deal with the Corona virus infected and had problems with three or more vital organs would not be treated, the interview said. “Statistically, these people have no chance of surviving the critical stage of the infection. These people are already considered dead, ”said Salaroli.

The corona virus has Italy under control – the doctors should be at the limit.

© picture alliance / dpa / Claudio Furlan

In Italy the fear is already around that the healthcare system could, because of the drastic scale of the Corona virus-Epidemic collapse. More and more doctors and virologists speak up to give their assessment of the situation.

Salaroli continued: “It is decided according to age and health. As in all war situations.”

Coronavirus in Italy: An airport in Rome is being closed

Update at 1:20 p.m .: In Rome become the Ciampino airport and a terminal of the main Fiumicino airport because of the coronavirus pandemic closed. The handling of passenger flights in Ciampino will be discontinued on Friday night, the operating company ADR said on Thursday of the AFP news agency.

Terminal 1 of Fiumicino will also be closed on Tuesday. How long the measures should apply was not disclosed. The operation “will return to normal as soon as the current emergency phase is over,” it said only.

The corona virus has a firm grip on Italy

First report from March 12, 2020: Rome – The Corona virus Has Italy firmly under control. According to official statistics, more than 12,400 people were infected with the virus there by Thursday morning, and more than 820 died of it. In addition, experts assume that the number of unreported cases is even higher.

Italy has been fighting against them for a long time now with extreme means Corona virus– spread. An emergency was declared at the beginning of March *, meanwhile the whole country is considered a zone with severely restricted freedom of movement. Head of government Giuseppe Conte But emphasized on Wednesday evening that a rush to supermarkets is not necessary now, because the supply is guaranteed.

In Italy, the corona virus has struck the most so far in Europe. Many infected people have to be treated in hospital.


The Prime Minister also announced that all unnecessary business activities would have to be stopped. For example, production in industry should continue.

Coronavirus in Italy: Search for patient zero

Departments that are not absolutely necessary for production should close. This new package of measures will initially apply until March 25. Meanwhile, the search for patient zero * goes in Italy further.

Most stores across the country have closed since Thursday morning. There are only a few exceptions: For example, grocery stores, pharmacies, petrol stations and some other shops can continue to open. Bars and restaurants have to shut down temporarily.

The opening times had previously been restricted to 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. The aim is for the 60 million Italians to stay at home as much as possible so that the virus can be transmitted from person to person * as far as possible.

Italy: Only supermarkets and pharmacies are open due to Coronavirus

For example, bakers opened in Rome on Thursday morning and sold milk, bread and cake. There was no bigger crowds than on the previous days, said a seller. Public buses ran along with some cars on the streets of the capital.

While in Italy Despite closed shops, the bakeries and supermarkets do not have a rush of customers, there have been more hamster purchases in Germany.

By the way: You can read about all previous developments regarding the Coronavirus crisis in Italy in our previous one News ticker.

dpa / AFP / cia / pm

* Merkur.de is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.

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