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Coronavirus in Italy, 1,229 new positive cases with 80 thousand swabs. Nine deaths, intensive care over 200

Coronavirus in Italy, the bulletin of today Tuesday 15 September of the Ministry of Health. The new positives recorded in the last 24 hours are 1.229, compared to 80,517 swabs (yesterday there were 1,008 with 45,309 swabs): instead nine deaths (yesterday there were 14). With 695 more discharged / healed, the currently positives still rise to 39,712 (525 more than yesterday, when the increase was 678 units). Of the nine deaths recorded today, two come from Lombardy, two from Veneto, two from Lazio, one from Emilia Romagna, one from Tuscany and one from Puglia,

Among the most affected regions Lombardy (176 positive cases) followed by Liguria (141) and Lazio (139). Emilia Romagna, Veneto and Campania also register over 100 cases. No region stops at zero contagion. The number of people currently in intensive care rises above 200 (yesterday they were 197) while 2,222 were hospitalized in other wards.


Covid-19 cases in Italy since the beginning of the emergency are now 289,990 (1,229 more than yesterday), of which 35,633 died and 214,645 recovered or discharged, 695 in the last twenty-four hours. The number of positives currently in our country is 39,712, an increase of 525 units.

201 patients are in intensive care (yesterday there were 197) of which 29 in Lombardy. There are 2,222 hospitalized with symptoms, 100 more than yesterday, and people in home isolation are 37,289 (421 more). The swabs carried out to date are 9,943,944, of which 80,517 on the last day. The number of people actually tested is 6,006,675. Remember that each person can be subjected to more than one tampon.

Last update: Tuesday 15 September 2020, 17:30


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