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Coronavirus in India. The bridegroom died just after the wedding, 95 inhabitants of the village infected

The Times of India reported the story of a man who died of COVID-19 two days after his wedding in the state of Bihar in northeast India. 95 people infected with coronavirus were detected in his village, most of whom were having fun at the wedding.


The 30-year-old engineer returned from Gurgaon, a satellite city of Delhi, to his hometown of Bihar on June 8 to get married. The next day he felt bad. Instead of going to the doctor, the family sent him to a local quack. Although the 30-year-old was already showing COVID-19 symptoms, he was not isolated from his surroundings.

“Before the day of the wedding procession, he fainted and had cold chills,” a village resident told the journal anonymously. Under pressure from the family, the man did not postpone the ceremony, which took place on June 15. He died on June 17 on the way to the hospital in Patna.


Before the authorities found out about the case, the family burned his body in a traditional funeral ceremony.

95 infected villagers

A week after the funeral, Kumar Ravi from the district authorities received an anonymous call with information about the wedding, suspected illness and death of the newlywed. The team sent to the village took samples from family and neighbors – coronavirus was detected in 15 people. Then began to examine people who have contact with the family and participants of the wedding. Earlier this week, another 80 people turned out to be carriers of the virus.

300 people have been examined in the village so far. No coronavirus was detected in the widow. – The parents of the bride and groom are educated, and ignored the boy’s health and rules of conduct (during the epidemic – ed.), Conducting the wedding – added a villager.

Coronavirus in India

According to the latest data from the John Hopkins University in India, 585,481 cases of coronavirus infection were reported.

The total number of fatalities in this country’s pandemic is 17,400.

photo-source">Source of main photo: PAP / EPA / DIVYAKANT SOLANKI

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