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Coronavirus in Europe. More and more people with COVID-19 in several countries

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson warned his fellow Americans Wednesday that the country was at a critical juncture and that the only way to avoid a new nationwide blockade was to follow the latest government guidelines. There is also a bad epidemic situation in Spain – due to the increase in the number of infections, Ibiza has introduced restrictions. An increase in the number of people requiring specialist medical assistance is recorded in France and Italy.

At the Downing Street press conference – the hundredth time to tackle the epidemic – Prime Minister Boris Johnson called for adherence to the rules but stressed that he would not hesitate to take further steps if necessary to stop the epidemic. From September 14, it is forbidden to meet in groups of more than six people, and last week the opening hours of pubs, bars and restaurants were reduced.

– Currently, we are not returning to the situation in which we were in March. And I really don’t want to do this, I don’t want to go back to the national blockade when the main guideline was to stay home. We want to keep the economy moving. We want to keep young people, students in schools. But the only way to do this is by following the guidelines and suppressing the virus, Johnson said.


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Prime Minister Boris Johnson urges citizens to comply with the restrictionsNEIL HALL / PAP / EPA

He explained that the prospect of new national restrictions “totally depends on how successfully we now fight the virus together”. “We know we can do it because we did it earlier in March and April,” he added. The epidemic may now spread in a different way than in March, he said, as there are some very clear local peaks and therefore it is possible that it will be necessary to focus more on local efforts to combat it.

Chris Whitty, England’s chief physician, and Patrick Vallance’s chief scientific adviser, who accompanied Johnson to the conference, pointed out that the situation was going in the wrong direction, as evidenced by the growing number of patients in intensive care units in the North East and North West of England and in London.

7,108 new coronavirus infections were reported on Wednesday, marking the second consecutive day when the number exceeds 7,000. These are the highest levels since the epidemic began. Another 71 people died, the same number as in the previous day and these are the highest balance sheets since July 1.


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The epidemic is worsening in many European countriesROB ENGELAAR / PAP / EPA

Another Spanish city is introducing restrictions

During the last 24 hours in Spain, 177 patients with COVID-19 died and over 11,000 new coronavirus infections were found. Spanish Health Minister Salvador Illa said on Wednesday that the death toll from COVID-19 has risen to 31,791 since Tuesday.

Medical services point to a growing epidemic in the Autonomous Community of Madrid, where over 4,000 infections and 52 deaths have been recorded in the last 24 hours. During Wednesday’s press conference, Illa confirmed that he had failed to persuade the authorities of the Madrid region to introduce epidemic restrictions throughout the territory of the autonomous community and to restrict the movement of its inhabitants to other parts of the country.

Meanwhile, the authorities of Ibiza city decided to introduce restrictions on Wednesday afternoon, explaining their decision with the increase in cases of infection. There will be restrictions on the use of public space there for the next 15 days.

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The epidemic in the autonomous community of Madrid is intensifyingZipi / PAP / EPA

Over 12,000 infections in France

In the last 24 hours, 12,845 cases of coronavirus infection have been confirmed in France, said the French Ministry of Health. This means that the number of new confirmed infections, after a two-day break, again exceeded the threshold of 10,000.

There were fewer than 10,000 infections on Monday and Tuesday – 8,051 and 4,070 respectively. However, it was emphasized that on Mondays the number of new infections is always lower, as less testing is done on Sundays in France than on other days of the week.

The number of people who died from COVID-19 in France increased on Wednesday by 63 to 31,956 on Wednesday. The total number of coronavirus cases confirmed in the country since the start of the pandemic is now 563,535.

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In France, on average more than 10,000 infections a day have been recorded in recent daysCHRISTOPHE PETIT TESSON / PAP / EPA

In Italy, the number of people staying in intensive care units is increasing

19 people died from COVID-19 on Wednesday, and more than 1,850 new coronavirus infections were confirmed – about 200 more than the day before. The daily balance of the epidemic was presented on Wednesday by the Ministry of Health – 105,000 tests were performed on one day.

Coronavirus has been detected in over 314,000 people in Italy so far. 227,000 have recovered. The number of those infected is now estimated to be at least 51,000, of which almost 48,000 are in home isolation.

The highest number of new infections was detected in the last 24 hours in Campania (287), Lazio (210) and Lombardy (201). They are recorded in all regions. The number of the most seriously ill in intensive care units is constantly growing. There are currently 280 of them. In total, there are over 3,000 COVID-19 patients in hospitals.

photo-source">Main photo source: Zipi / PAP / EPA

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