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Coronavirus in Dresden: From today there will be the next easing!

Update, May 28th, 9 p.m.: First Saxon indoor concert in Leipzig

In Leipzig there was again an indoor concert with an audience in the Felsenkeller on Friday evening after a month-long Corona break.

According to the organizers, 330 tickets were sold for it. A negative corona test was required for admission. In addition, the recorded personal data is stored in a safe at the Felsenkeller event house for a month. The concert is part of a model project.

Concert goers at the concert of the musician Fil Bo Riva (28) in the Felsenkeller in Leipzig. © Jan Woitas / dpa-Zentralbild / dpa

Update, May 28, 5:40 p.m.: Moritzburg Castle Triathlon canceled

On Friday the organizers announced that they had to cancel the castle triathlon in Moritzburg. This should have taken place on June 12th and 13th.

Reason: The association did not receive a permit to hold the 20th anniversary event. There would have been a hygiene concept and close contact with the health department. Unfortunately, it is not possible to postpone the event to a later date in the year.

The 20th Castle Triathlon in and around Moritzburg will not take place in 2021.

The 20th Castle Triathlon in and around Moritzburg will not take place in 2021. © Sebastian Kahnert / dpa-Zentralbild / ZB

Update, May 28, 4:35 p.m.: The Czech Republic opens indoor catering

As of Monday, the restaurants in the Czech Republic will be able to serve guests indoors again. Health Minister Adam Vojtech (34) announced on Friday.

More on this in the TAG24 article Czech Republic opens indoor restaurants, saunas and swimming pools from Monday!

Update, May 28, 12.23 p.m.: Looking for creative ideas for opening up retail in Saxony

Saxony wants to make it easier for retailers to restart after the corona lockdown. The State Chancellery and Ministry of Economics announced on Friday that retailers’ initiatives and tradespeople can apply with their ideas for special shopping experiences until June 18.

More on this in the TAG24 report 5000 euros reward: Saxony is looking for creative ideas to open up retailing.

Update, May 28, 12.15 p.m.: Current case numbers in Dresden

The city of Dresden reported 21 new coronavirus cases compared to the previous day on Tuesday.

In return, 50 people are considered to have recovered.

The seven-day incidence is still below 50. The Robert Koch Institute puts the incidence at 34.1. According to the city of Dresden, the value is 36.3.

Rainy weather in Dresden.

Rainy weather in Dresden. © Sebastian Kahnert / dpa-Zentralbild / dpa

Update, May 28, 12:02 p.m.: Falling corona numbers – Erzgebirge will open schools from Monday

As the last district in Saxony, the Erzgebirge will open its schools in the changing model from Monday.

The Ministry of Culture announced on Friday that there is no longer a region in the Free State where schools and daycare centers have to remain closed.

“This is a very positive development for the children and young people in Saxony, and it comes faster than expected. A good deal more normality is thus returning,” said Minister of Education Christian Piwarz (45, CDU).

Due to the falling number of corona infections, the first schools and daycare centers in Saxony are also returning to regular operations. In Vogtland and the city of Leipzig there will be regular lessons again from Monday (May 31).

As the last district in Saxony, the Erzgebirge will open its schools in the changing model from Monday.

As the last district in Saxony, the Erzgebirge will open its schools in the changing model from Monday. © Patrick Pleul / dpa-Zentralbild / Z

Update, May 28, 10:31 a.m.: With corona easing, mood rises in East German companies

With the increasing relaxation of the corona restrictions, the mood among East German companies is rising.

As the Ifo Institute announced on Friday in Dresden, the companies estimate their current situation much better and are more optimistic about the future.

The business climate index, which provides information on the regional mood and is considered a leading indicator for the economy, climbed to 99.2 points in May from 95.8 in April.

Service providers in particular are expecting better business in the next few months. According to the Ifo Institute, expectations rose sharply in May.

Update, May 28, 9.46 a.m.: Three districts in Saxony still with corona weekly incidence over 50

In Saxony, the seven-day incidence is currently still above the 50 mark in three districts.

According to figures from the Robert Koch Institute on Friday, these were the districts of the Erzgebirge (91.1), Saxon Switzerland-Eastern Ore Mountains (56.6) and Görlitz (55.8).

The lowest weekly incidences were reported for the Vogtland district and the city of Leipzig with 19.5 and 24.1 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants within seven days.

Nationwide, the corona infection rate increased slightly compared to the previous day.

With an incidence of 42.7, Saxony has now moved into the middle field of the federal states. As of Friday, 13 more deaths (total number: 9,625) and 625 new infections (283,038) were reported.

Update, May 28, 7.19 a.m.: Kretschmer hopeful: vaccination for children soon

Running: The state chiefs of Saxony and Saxony-Anhalt, Michael Kretschmer (46) and Reiner Haseloff (67, both CDU), are satisfied with the progress in vaccination in Germany.

So satisfied that children could soon be vaccinated too?

You can find more information here: Kretschmer hopeful: Saxony incidence under 40, vaccination soon also for children.

Out of the crisis - thanks to vaccination: Saxony's Prime Minister Michael Kretschmer (47, CDU, right) and DRK Saxony boss Rüdiger Unger (60).

Out of the crisis – thanks to vaccination: Saxony’s Prime Minister Michael Kretschmer (47, CDU, right) and DRK Saxony boss Rüdiger Unger (60). © dpa / Jan Woitas

Update, May 28, 6:40 a.m.: Elbetaxi boss frustrated: Everyone is allowed, but not me?

While restaurateurs, retailers or amusement park operators, given the (approaching) Corona easing breathe a sigh of relief, the frustration of boat entrepreneur Nico Cüppers (51) is growing. The Dresden Elbetaxi boss is not allowed to offer tours on the Elbe, not to transport a single guest.

You can get more information on the subject here: Elbetaxi boss frustrated: Everyone is allowed, but not me?

On dry land: The Dresden Elbetaxi boss Nico Cüppers (51) is not allowed to offer tours on the Elbe even with the relaxed Corona regulation coming into force at the end of the month.

On dry land: The Dresden Elbetaxi boss Nico Cüppers (51) is not allowed to offer tours on the Elbe even with the relaxed Corona regulation coming into force at the end of the month. © Eric Münch

Update, May 28, 6:37 a.m.: Is Dresden still a mask zone?

Dresden is well on the way to leaving the corona pandemic behind. The outdoor catering is open again, the shops are open again (albeit with Click & Meet) and the incidence is falling further.

Dresden’s mask zones are also a thing of the past. But there are still a lot of signs in the city center that ask for mouth-and-nose protection

You can find more information on the topic here: Confusion about signs in the city: Is Dresden still a mask zone?

The general requirement to wear masks outdoors is gone, but the signs are still there.

The general requirement to wear masks outdoors is gone, but the signs are still there. © Norbert Neumann

Update, May 28, 6:32 a.m.: Revival after Corona distance – Saxony committed to neighbors

Whether paid helpers and everyday companions, voluntary work or private initiative, the Saxons rely on good neighborliness.

“Social cohesion begins at close quarters: in the family, in the neighborhood, with friends,” said Petra Köpping, the social minister responsible for this, on Neighborhood Day (May 28).

Above all, she thanked those “who look after their neighbors with love and understanding and thus create good social relationships”. The importance of neighborly support was also shown in the corona pandemic.

According to the ministry, Saxony is a pioneer when it comes to neighborhood help for people in need of care.

Petra Köpping (62, SPD), Minister of Health of Saxony, thanked all those “who look after their neighbors with love and understanding and thus create good social relationships”. © Jan Woitas / dpa-Zentralbild / dpa

Update, May 27, 3:29 p.m.: Saxony receives 40,000 Biontech vaccination doses

Saxony is to receive around 40,000 vaccine doses from Biontech this week. The federal government announced that, the Ministry of Health announced on Thursday.

More on this in the article: Saxony receives 40,000 Biontech vaccination doses

Petra Köpping (62, SPD), Minister of Health of Saxony, is happy about the corona vaccine delivery.

Petra Köpping (62, SPD), Minister of Health of Saxony, is happy about the corona vaccine delivery. © Sebastian Kahnert / dpa-Zentralbild / dpa

Update, May 27, 12:10 p.m.: Current case numbers from Dresden

The city of Dresden reported 39 new coronavirus cases compared to the previous day on Thursday.

Another person died from the virus. In return, 60 people are considered to have recovered.

The seven-day incidence falls below 50. According to the Robert Koch Institute, it is 37.4. The city of Dresden puts the incidence at 39.

Update, May 27, 10:25 a.m.: Saxony incidence falls below the 40 mark

The number of new corona infections in Saxony continues to decline significantly. The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) showed the seven-day incidence on Thursday at 39.4 – the day before it was 47.2.

At the same time, the RKI registered 28 new deaths and almost 400 new infections for the Free State within one day.

The Ore Mountains recorded the highest number of new infections per 100,000 inhabitants in seven days with an incidence of 74, the lowest with a value of 8.8 the former Corona hotspot Vogtland.

Update, May 27, 7 a.m.: Shops, schools, pubs: Saxony’s lockdown exit in two stages

Shops, outdoor pools, sports: With the new Corona Protection Ordinance, there will be a whole series of relaxations from Monday. From June 14th, Saxony can breathe even deeper. Then even more should be possible. If everything goes smoothly.

You can find out more about this in the TAG24 article Shops, schools, pubs: Saxony’s lockdown exit in two stages.

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