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Coronavirus in China: number of infections continues to rise – top issues

Beijing (AP) – The number of confirmed infections and deaths from the corona virus has skyrocketed again in China. As the Chinese health authority announced, there have been 20,438 confirmed illnesses to date – 3,225 new cases compared to the lecture.

The number of fatalities rose by 64 to 425. It is the largest increase in infections with the novel corona virus and deaths within a day. Around 180 cases have been confirmed worldwide in around two dozen countries. The virus has been detected in twelve people in Germany.

Chinese President Xi Jinping called for “rapid and determined” measures to contain the disease, the state-run Xinhua news agency reported. At a meeting of the Communist Party’s Politburo Standing Committee on Monday, the head of the party called for “strict enforcement” of orders and bans.

The supply of medical protective material must be secured and the infection and mortality rate must be reduced, was further emphasized at the party meeting. Party committees and governments at all levels were called upon to bring the epidemic under control, but also to achieve “the goals of economic and social development” this year.

The outbreak was an “important test of China’s system and ability to govern,” the meeting said. Chinese experts had estimated on Monday that the coronavirus epidemic could peak in 10 to 14 days. Preventive measures would have to be strengthened for this, said the head of the national team of experts in the fight against the corona virus, Zhong Nanshan, according to Chinese state media.

More people have died from the new lung disease in mainland China than from the Sars pandemic 17 years ago.

The Sars pandemic (severe acute respiratory syndrome) in 2002/2003 had 349 deaths in mainland China. There were also 299 deaths in Hong Kong, and 774 deaths worldwide. In the current coronavirus outbreak, there was only one known death outside of mainland China until Monday – in the Philippines.

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