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Coronavirus in Belgium – LATEST INFO: still shortages of medical equipment according to healthcare establishments

The coronavirus in Belgium continues to spread and we are starting a second week of containment in Belgium to fight against Covid-19. Confined country, checks and fines for offenders … Through our CORONAVIRUS DIRECT thread, you will find the latest main information on the spread of the disease in Belgium.

Follow here throughout the day the evolution of the situation linked to the coronavirus in Belgium with measures aimed at limiting its spread and treating acute patients as effectively as possible.



Healthcare institutions still in need of medical equipment

The French and Dutch domes of the healthcare establishments, Santhea and Zorgnet-Icuro, reminded Monday that many institutions are in need of medical equipment due to the epidemic of coronavirus. They suffer not only from a shortage of masks, but also from protective aprons, gloves or disinfectants.

In addition to the masks, the federation reports a shortage of gowns, overalls or full suits, protective glasses, caps or caps, sterile aprons, hydroalcoholic solutions or even soil and surface disinfectants. “These shortages remain current“, confirms Valérie Victoor, general councilor of Santhea who represents hospitals, rest homes and other healthcare establishments in Wallonia and Brussels.”The arrival of masks announced by the authorities is already a breath of fresh air, but that does not put an end to the problems of stocks. Needs for other types of equipment must also be anticipated“.”Rest homes are not equipped like hospitals, they urgently need additional equipment“, adds Margot Cloet, director general of the Dutch-speaking dome Zorgnet-Icuro. Many hospitals also report the need for ICU respirators and anesthesia, which allow the treatment of patients infected with coronavirus, continues Santhea.

Covid-19 infection recognized as an occupational disease in healthcare

The Federal Agency for Occupational Risks (Fedris) said on Monday that “people with Covid-19 (diagnosed by a laboratory test) which work in the healthcare sector“where, in addition, they ran”a significantly increased risk of being infected with the virus“can claim compensation for occupational disease.

This concerns ambulance service providers involved in the transport of patients affected by the new coronavirus, staff working in hospitals (emergency and intensive care, departments of pulmonary and infectious diseases or any other department where patients suffering from Covid-19, as well as staff who have performed diagnostic and therapeutic procedures on patients with coronavirus) and “staff working in other care services and institutions where a Covid-19 outbreak has occurred (two or more cases combined) “. This concerns all the people who work in these services: medical, paramedical, logistics and cleaning”and for whom the infection may be related to their professional activity“. The scheme also applies to pupils and students in training.

Sunny weekend has led to too many rallies, says federal police

The federal police do not yet have overall figures as to the number of reports drawn up for non-compliance with the confinement rules, but certain trends are emerging. The sunny weekend has given rise to too many gatherings, she says. “This is a public health issue“, reminds the police.

The federal police do not yet have the data of controls carried out by the 185 local police zones of the country. This weekend, however, infractions were noted, mainly rallies in the parks, too many bike tours or invitations to friends, notes the police. “It is a public health issue. If you fear nothing for yourself, you must also think of others “and respect the measures, she pleads. “There is no more tolerance“insists the spokesperson for the Minister of the Interior, Pieter De Crem.”PVs are established and the prosecution will continue“. Generally, “no major incidents“, however, did not occur.

Fruit and vegetable growers demand free movement of seasonal workers

The association of Belgian horticultural cooperatives (Verbond van Belgische Tuinbouwcoöperaties – VBT) calls on the European Commission to guarantee the free movement of goods and seasonal workers. The sector fears problematic crops due to the announced closure of the borders. “Everything must be done to keep the food chain going“, indicates the VBT.

In Flanders, already more than 2,500 people in the medical reserve

In Flanders, more than 2,500 people – doctors, nurses … – have already answered the call of the authorities to build up a reserve of medical personnel to fight against the coronavirus, said Monday the Flemish Minister of Welfare, Wouter Beke (CD&V).

This reserve is made up of health professionals who can be called back if necessary. The list of volunteers is sent to nursing homes, hospitals and general practitioner circles. Interested persons can always make themselves known via the site www.zorg-en-gezondheid.be/aanmelding-medische-reserve-covid-19.

Six times more calls in one week to the Brussels entrepreneur assistance number 1819

Hub.brussels, the Brussels Agency for business support, received around six times more calls in the last week via the special telephone number 1819 and via its own telephone line. Since the previous weekend, around thirty volunteers have also been working in 1819 to assist Brussels entrepreneurs and traders since the announcement of the containment measures.

About 450 calls on average per day were received via the number 1819 over the past week, for advice and assistance to Brussels businesses. Since the announcement of the containment measures, this telephone service has been greatly strengthened. Consultants answer calls every day from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. The website www.1819.brussels is updated in real time with the help of the office of the Brussels secretary of state Barbara Trachte, in charge of economic transition and scientific research. The site is an official source of information validated by the Brussels regional authorities. “We recommend that companies consult the site regularly before calling 1819, in order to optimize the intervention of advisers,” explained Françoise Lambotte, director of service 1819. The advisers note several recurring subjects in the questions asked, among which the maintenance of the opening of certain companies, the respect of the opening hours of the businesses, the possible financial support and the right to unemployment benefits.

Les Nuits Botanique festival postponed to early October

The Botanical Nights, which were to set Brussels on fire from April 29 to May 10, have been postponed until October. The 27th edition of the music festival will take place from October 1 to 11.

16,500 masks delivered will go to dentists

Among the oral masks delivered to Belgium, 16,500 copies of the FFP2 type will go to dentists for urgent care, said Monday morning the association of Flemish dentists (Verbond der Vlaamse Tandartsen – VVT).


Hairdressers request the compulsory closure of their salons

A number of hairdressers, furious at not being forced to close like most non-food businesses, will put the government on notice if the latter does not change its policy in this area.

SNCB switches to “train service of national interest”

Faced with the absence of sickness from railway staff who multiply, the SNCB and Infrabel organize, from this Monday, a “train service of national interest”, which must guarantee customers an offer of transport on the whole territory despite the health crisis of the new coronavirus. The rail offer is however considerably reduced. Coronavirus Belgium: here are the practical details on the train offer

Delivery of more than 6 million protective masks in our country tonight

Tonight, Belgium again received a delivery of more than 6 million protective masks to Liège. This week, another 14 million surgical masks and 1.2 million FFP2 masks are expected.

The Brussels-North police zone trained more than 100 PV in 4 days

The Brussels-North police zone drew up 117 reports from 19 to 22 March against people who did not comply with the ban on assembly. Five reports were also issued for businesses that did not comply with the closure measure. Five people were also arrested administratively for non-compliance with the restriction standards.

The measures of the National Security Council entered into force on March 18 at noon.

Hairdressers will have to close in Bastogne

The bourgmestre of Bastogne, Benoît Lutgen, issued a decree on Sunday to order the closure of the hairdressing salons located on the municipal territory from Monday 12 noon, announced the city of Bastogne in a press release. (read the full article)

> CORONAVIRUS SYMPTOMS: Here are the signs that you may have Covid-19 disease

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