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Coronavirus in Belgium: experts deplore the death of a three-year-old child (DIRECT)

The Crisis Center and the FPS Public Health detail on Monday, Wednesday and Friday the evolution of the epidemiological situation in Belgium. Yves Stevens, Antoine Iseux and Boudewijn Catry will return, this Friday, to the upward trend which is only being confirmed day by day in our country. The number of contaminations has been climbing for several weeks, raising fears of a possible second wave of Covid-19. The number of hospitalizations is also increasing, experts said.

“A few days ago a three-year-old child lost his life as a result of a coronavirus infection”, immediately regretted Boudewijn Catry, who replaces Steven Van Gucht and Yves Van Laethem. “This news touches us all deeply, whether as scientists or as parents.”

On average, three people die every day, according to experts. “Hoping that this sad news (the death of a three-year-old child, editor’s note) serves as awareness: it is clear that no one is immune, we cannot deny the presence of covid-19 among us, “insisted Boudewijn Catry. The interfederal spokesperson also stressed the fact that the increase in contaminations with which our country is facing should be stopped as quickly as possible.

To avoid a second wave, wearing a mask will play an important role, according to Boudewijn Catry. “A mouth cover is not enough,” he recalled.

New rules were announced at the national level, this Thursday, July 23, at the end of the National Security Council. “Cities and towns can take additional measures, they will actively communicate on them”, for his part recalled Antoine Iseux (Crisis Center). The expert insisted on the fact that this weekend could be decisive in view of the evolution of the situation. “Everyone must take their responsibilities, if we want to regain control over this epidemic as quickly as possible,” he said.

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