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Coronavirus in Belgium: Doctor Philippe Devos is contaminated, here is his testimony

The coronavirus in Belgium infects healthcare workers who are more in contact with the CoV-SARS-2 virus than other citizens. Doctor Philippe Devos, head of intensive care at the CHC hospital in Liège and president of the doctors’ union, has announced that he has the Covid-19. He testified this Monday morning on Bel RTL.

The president of the doctors’ union, Doctor Philippe Devos, who has been seen and heard a lot in the media in recent weeks, announced that he was sick with Covid-19. “The medical staff who have a fever must be screened. This is how I was screened”, he explained this morning on Bel RTL.

“I have a fever, I am very tired, I sleep 15 hours a day intermittently and I have a horrible headache. Other than that, it’s okay, I take my parameters every day. have no sign of gravity. I’m waiting to pass the course “, he said before the doctor took over the patient and he advised the other patients to sleep well first. “You have to sleep to recover and heal”, he said, before adding that “the important thing is to think of the most fragile, the elderly and the youngest who have diseases”.

> CORONAVIRUS BELGIUM: check the latest news

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