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Coronavirus in Argentina: the Government publishes a survey that shows broad support for the more rigid quarantine

Just hours from president’s announcement Alberto Fernández, on a tightening of the quarantine for him coronavirus At AMBA, the Government released a survey showing a broad support from the population from that region to the new restrictions. The haste to reveal this guarantee confirms one of the two main concerns of the Casa Rosada for the next stage: that people comply with the closure. The other fear is chained: the political cost that officials could pay with the reverse gear.

The poll is from Analía del Franco, one of the three consultants who worked for Fernández in the electoral campaign and now continues to make periodic measurements for the national administration. It is a survey of 650 telephone cases, with +/- 3.8% margin of error. In the “general considerations”, these points are detailed:

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– “The survey was carried out as soon as the announcement is finished, on the population of the AMBA region “.

– “It is evident that the expectancy ad it was high since almost 80% say they have seen or heard it “.

– “The reception of the ads and their arguments it was positive despite not being ‘good news’. The credibility of the reasons supported it. “

4) “Although the flash poll asked only about the credibility and acceptance of the president, the image of the three leaders together and their agreements despite the differences is a reassuring contribution for public opinion. “

Then come the charts with responses to the quarantine announcement, all with results favorable to Fernández’s decisions:

Survey in the AMBA on the latest announcement of the quarantine, by Analía del Franco.

Survey in the AMBA on the latest announcement of the quarantine, by Analía del Franco.

1) “What degree of agreement do you have with the toughening of the quarantine for 15 days to avoid more infections and deaths?”. 76.9% expressed “agreement”, against 21.6% “disagree” and 1.5% “do not know”.

2) “What did you think of the president yesterday in the announcement?”. 71.6% “liked it”, 20.2% “did not like it” and 8.2% “do not know”.

Survey in the AMBA on the latest announcement of the quarantine, by Analía del Franco.

Survey in the AMBA on the latest announcement of the quarantine, by Analía del Franco.

3) “To what extent did you believe the president by giving reasons to toughen the quarantine?”. 78.5% answered “I believed him”, 15.7% “did not believe him” and 5.8% “do not know”.

4) “What degree of agreement do you have with those who say that thanks to the quarantine effort it was avoided to be in a situation like Brazil or Chile?”. “Agreement” obtained 78.8%, “disagree” 18.3% and “does not know” 2.9%.

Survey in the AMBA on the latest announcement of the quarantine, by Analía del Franco.

Survey in the AMBA on the latest announcement of the quarantine, by Analía del Franco.

During the speech, the President had referred – although without specifically mentioning it – to a controversy that the polls showed. He “falling in love” with quarantine that a sector of society attributes to Fernández, which supposes a criticism. Clarín told about this particularity days ago, from a study of the firm Zuban Córdoba. Paradoxically, the study had been informally released by some spokespersons for La Rosada.

Then another study came out of Jorge Jacob, which pointed out the same phenomenon of alleged “infatuation”. Also that survey, as it advanced Clarion, contained the first electoral data facing 2021, in the midst of the pandemic.

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Survey K and alert for Alberto Fernández: 60% believe that the coronavirus quarantine is met

Regarding his position with isolation, as some figures this Saturday, the President spoke in the third person. “Alberto Fernández never fell in love with the quarantine. It is the only remedy I know of”, summarized. And then he emphasized data that show better health outcomes in Argentina compared to other countries in the region.

The consultant of Analía del Franco I had already measured a few weeks ago about the restrictions at the AMBA. And while people showed up there too according to quarantine usually, most asked for more relaxation than closings. This poll, anticipated by this newspaper, had not been specifically requested by Rosada. But it also got there.

Another firm that measures for Kirchnerism, but closer to Cristina Kirchner and La Cámpora, is Analogies, the firm that years ago was just Analía del Franco. In your case, in the last national study they warned that 60% of the population believed that quarantine was carried out “little” and “nothing”. Another face of the same concern.

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