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Coronavirus in Argentina: San Juan returns to strict quarantine for 14 days

In three days, 28 cases of coronavirus were detected in San Juan, which were added to the 22 that were registered during 150 days Credit: Government of San Juan

SAN JUAN.- The governor of the province, Sergio Uñac, accompanied by the Minister of Health, Alejandra Venerando, and the Secretary of Security, Carlos Munisaga, announced that From hour 0 on Saturday, August 22, the province returns to Phase 1 for a period of 14 days, that is, strict quarantine.

“He did not adhere to the rules of some or of some, it generated a contagion that makes the San Juan people go to Phase 1 “, he said One C.

San Juan, until Wednesday, exhibited the best health status in the country with only 22 positive cases over 150 days, of which 21 were recovered cases and only one was in an infectious process. However, a series of infections detected in the Caucete department, They forced that department to be isolated for seven days and put in Phase 2 – by way of prevention: three others: San Martín, May 25 and July 9. This means suspend classes in person, which had returned on August 10 in 14 of the 19 departments and only for students in the last year of each cycle.

Uñac said in his ad that “The non-compliance with the quarantine determines that today 800 thousand people must quarantine for 14 days”, remarking that “only the realization of essential activities “.

“I am the most optimistic of all and the most realistic and, in this framework, I think it’s convenient to go back to Phase 1 for 14 days. “

The numbers in the province

The Minister of Health, Alejandra Venerando, spoke of “local transmission by conglomerate” and gave information on the epidemiological situation. Thus, when referring to the health situation, she stressed that one cannot speak of community circulation. of the virus since the epidemiological nexus is under investigation.

And he pointed out: “So far we have registered 27 cases in Caucete and 1 in Santa Lucía; on alert, facing the possibility of more infections, there are 50 confirmed cases; in process, 29; swabbed today, 1,000; isolated, 81: 46 in Caucete and 35 in Santa Lucía “.

“We cannot put the entire population at risk, Faced with the possibility of viral dissemination, we restrict viral circulation, “said the official.

Venerando was categorical, and stated: “We cannot say that there is circulation, we will mitigate its spread. “

What is allowed

The Secretary of Security, Carlos Munisaga, stressed that “all the inhabitants are in social isolation and prohibition to circulate”, only minimal displacements will be allowed.

Unlike the first Phase 1, banking activity remains only by shifts.

You must reapply the circulation permits through the portal of the province.

At the end of the announcement, Governor Uñac took up the floor again and said: “I am optimistic to regain status; it will depend on the effort of each sanjuanina or sanjuanino “.

Hectic Journey

During this day two neighborhoods were isolated in Santa Lucía, one of the departments of Greater San Juan. These are the Centro Employees de Comercio and UDAP neighborhoods. A building of the Judicial Power where two Civil Courts work was also closed, because the daughter of a patient who tested positive works in one of the courts.


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