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Coronavirus in Argentina: despite medical recommendations, the President travels to Chaco for an event with his ally Jorge Capitanich

The trip to Chaco will be the first made by the President since the Presidential Medical Unit recommended that he restrict his activities and stay in Olivos.


Alberto Fernández

Prepare a controversial endorsement for a troubled ally for the next few hours. He plans to travel to Chaco tomorrow to inaugurate – along with the governor

Jorge Capitanich

– a situation room at the Resistencia airport to combat the


in that province,

third nationwide

in number of infections. If it takes place, it will be the President’s first trip after the Presidential Medical Unit

I would recommend not going out

of the fifth of Olivos except “urgent situations”.

In the Casa Rosada they reported that so far the trip has been confirmed, but they declined to give details. In parallel, however, the Minister of Health,

Ginés González García,

He said today that he had asked the President not to go to Chaco. “He wants to go. We tell him not to go for epidemiological reasons, for protection reasons,” González García told CNN Radio. “He wants to give support in a province that is very difficult,” explained the minister. “What he told me is that if he goes, he doesn’t leave the airport,” he added.

Meanwhile, from the Capitanich government they spoke of the arrival today of the presidential coordination team in the province. Spokespersons for the governor confirmed that a “symbolic” activity is being prepared at the airport, “with limited access and reduced presence of people.” Right there would be announced the formation of the situation room, attached to the airport, in the Civil Defense offices, where the Emergency Operations Center (COE) already works. In addition, a press conference is planned via streaming with the local media.

Two weeks ago, and with the doctor’s signature

Federico Saavedra

, the Presidential Medical Unit

recommended to the President

“Continue to carry out your usual tasks at your residence and restrict interpersonal contact as much as possible.” Fernández, who fulfilled the premise until today almost completely, would change the original plan to visit

Chaco, the first province he came to after taking office, last January.

Chaco was, in January, Alberto Fernández’s first destination after assuming the presidency Credit: Presidency

“I am here to make concrete what I promised: to take care first of those that least have and to give the historical repair that the Argentine North deserves”,

Fernández pointed out that day,

and after a while it was Capitanich who praised him. “We know that with Alberto Fernández and with

Cristina Fernández

, Argentina and Chaco stand up, “said the governor, a leader close to the vice president.

Near Capitanich they stated that “an activity outside the airport was never” planned. “And less in another part of the province,” said official sources, who took the arrival of the President for granted.

Capitanich’s handling of the pandemic – it has 1930 confirmed cases and more than 90 deaths – is harshly criticized by the local opposition, which even asked the national Ombudsman for the “health intervention” of the province.

Governor Jorge Capitanich is highly questioned about the management of the pandemic in Chaco, the third district in number of infections in the country
Governor Jorge Capitanich is highly questioned about the management of the pandemic in Chaco, the third district in number of infections in the country

The request was rejected, but from the UCR they affirm that there is a “history” of interventions in the case of aboriginal communities. “The health situation is disastrous and at the same time the comptroller organizations and the Court of Accounts do not work. People are totally alone, abandoned to their fate, without institutional functioning,” she told.


the provincial deputy of the UCR

Livio Gutiérrez.


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