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Coronavirus in Argentina: by DNU, they ban social gatherings across the country starting tomorrow

Coronavirus in Argentina. Health added new symptoms to define a suspicious case: headache, diarrhea and vomiting

The Ministry of Health reported today 16 new deaths from coronavirus in the country, bringing the total number of deaths since the start of the pandemic it reached 3,612, with a case fatality rate of 1.8% and a mortality rate of 79 people per million inhabitants. In addition, he announced that new symptoms are added to define a suspicious case (until now they were fever above 37.5 °, cough, sore throat, difficulty breathing, alteration in taste and smell).

“Have been added other symptoms that have to be considered within those two or more: headache, and the presence of vomiting and / or diarrhea. So if someone has this characteristic of symptoms, it is good to consult “, he indicated Alejandro Costa, undersecretary of Health Strategies. While, Carla Vizzotti, Secretary for Access to Health, confirmed that Starting tomorrow and until August 16, social gatherings will be prohibited throughout the national territory.

“In tomorrow’s DNU social gatherings will be suspended and restricted throughout the national territory so that where there is an outbreak it can be controlled and where there is no outbreak, but there is circulation, we can minimize the possibility of having it, “said Vizzotti.

Social, preventive and compulsory isolation will continue unchanged in the Buenos Aires Metropolitan Area (AMBA), due to the increase in positive cases of coronavirus and deaths in the region in the last 15 days. The City of Buenos Aires and the province had returned on July 18 to phase 3 of the quarantine, with a scheme of phased opening of activities in the two districts and restrictions on movement.

The total number of confirmed cases is 196,543, with an average of 5,428 per day in the last week, and an incidence rate of 43 per 100,000 inhabitants. Since the last report issued, 16 new deaths were recorded: 9 men, 5 residents in the province of Buenos Aires; 3 residents in the city of Buenos Aires (CABA); one resident in Chaco; and 7 women; 3 residents in the province of Buenos Aires; 2 residents in CABA; a resident in Mendoza; and one resident in Santa Fe. The total number of people recovered is 89,026, so the number of people with an ongoing infection is 103,905.


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