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Coronavirus in Argentina: 26 new deaths | Repor …

The total number of confirmed cases in Argentina is 119.301 (49.3% women and 50.7% men). 1,093 (0.9%) are imported, 38,304 (32.1%) are close contacts of confirmed cases, 60,041 (50.3%) are cases of community circulation and the rest are under epidemiological investigation.

Since the last report issued, 26 new deaths were recorded. 16 men, 11 of 58, 57, 45, 63, 92, 81, 59, 0, 65, 68 and 94 years, residing in the province of Buenos Aires; 3 of 63, 77 and 75 years, residents in the City of Buenos Aires (CABA); one of 79 years, resident in the province of Río Negro; one 67-year-old, resident in the province of Chaco; and 10 women, 2 of 37 and 70 years, residing in the province of Buenos Aires; 7 of 81, 71, 70, 89, 92, 89 and 68 years, resident in the City of Buenos Aires (CABA); and one of 50 years, resident in the province of Chaco. At the moment the number of deceased is 2,204.

* To date, the total number of discharges is 52,607 people.

* Yesterday, 12,472 new samples were made and since the start of the outbreak, 531,753 diagnostic tests were carried out for this disease, which is equivalent to 11,718.6 samples per million inhabitants.

* The number of cases discarded until yesterday is 322,583 (by laboratory and by clinical / epidemiological criteria).

* Yesterday 4,518 new cases were confirmed.

Detail by province (Nº of confirmed | Nº of accumulated) *: Buenos Aires 3,002 | 66,206

City of Buenos Aires 1081 | 43,393

Catamarca 14 | 55

Chaco 65 | 2.858

Chubut 9 | 227

Córdoba 49 | 1109

Currents 0 | 129

Entre Ríos 24 | 600

Formosa 0 | 75

Jujuy 107 | 667

La Pampa 0 | 8

La Rioja 2 | 163

Mendoza 21 | 407

Missions 0 | 41

Neuquén 29 | 840

Río Negro 57 | 1272

Skip ** 0 | 140

San Juan 0 | 14

Saint Louis 1 | 14

Santa Cruz 20 | 103

Santa Fe 26 | 632

Santiago del Estero *** 0 | 36

Tierra del Fuego ** 4 | 212

Tucumán 7 | 100

* Those confirmed cases that are not notified by residence, were counted by province of loading.

** The province of Salta, reclassified 5 cases to the province of Jujuy.

*** The province of Santiago del Estero reclassified one of its cases to CABA

** 13 cases are included in the Falkland Islands according to press information (due to the illegal occupation of the United Kingdom, Great Britain and Northern Ireland, it is not possible to have own information on the impact of COVID -19 in that part of the territory Argentinian).

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