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Coronavirus in Argentina: 25 deaths and 2,189 cases were recorded in 24 hours

The healthcare portfolio added that 523 are hospitalized in intensive care units, with a percentage of occupancy of adult beds of 49.8% in the country and 55.1% in the Buenos Aires Metropolitan Area (AMBA).

94.88% (2,077 people) of those newly infected correspond to the City (38.92%) and the province of Buenos Aires (55.96%).

According to the evening report, there were 16 new deaths: 8 men, four residents in the province of Buenos Aires of 63, 94, 78 and 75; and four residents in the City of Buenos Aires aged 92, 87, 63 and 73; and 8 women, one 90 years old, resident in the province of Buenos Aires; and seven residents in the City of Buenos Aires, 91, 85, 98, 82, 77, 95 and 69 years old.

The morning part stated that 10 people died, 6 men, three residents in the province of Buenos Aires, 62, 86 and 62 years old; one 87 years old in the province of Neuquén; one of 66 years in the province of Mendoza; one 89 years old in the province of Río Negro; and four women, three residents in the province of Buenos Aires of 86, 68 and 77 years and one of 89 in the City of Buenos Aires.

However, The Ministry clarified that the 89-year-old man who died in the province of Río Negro, initially associated with Covid-19, was detached because his death was related to another event.

Of the total diagnosed, 1,063 (1.8%) are imported, 21,599 (36%) close contacts of confirmed cases, 25,600 (42.7%) cases of community circulation and the rest are under epidemiological investigation.

Of those diagnosed with Covid-19, 1,225 cases were registered in the province of Buenos Aires; in the City of Buenos Aires, 852; in Chaco, 47; in Chubut, 5; in Córdoba, 5; in Entre Ríos, 24; in Mendoza, 6; in Neuquén, 12; in Río Negro, 6; in Santa Fe, 6, and in Santiago del Estero, 1.

Meanwhile, no contagions were reported in Corrientes, Formosa, Jujuy, La Pampa, La Rioja, Misiones, Salta, San Juan, San Luis, Santa Cruz, Tierra del Fuego and Tucumán. Catamarca remains unregistered with coronavirus.

The total accumulated by district indicates that the province of Buenos Aires totals 28,986 cases; the City of Buenos Aires, 25,415; Chaco, 1930; Chubut, 119; Córdoba 635; Currents, 115; Entre Ríos, 273; Formosa, 70; Jujuy, 75, and La Pampa, 7.

La Rioja reaches 76 cases; Mendoza, 167; Misiones, 39; Neuquén, 443; Río Negro, 825; Salta, 27; San Juan, 8; San Luis, 11; Santa Cruz, 51; Santa Fe, 417; Santiago del Estero, 23; Tierra del Fuego, 149, and Tucumán, 72.

A case registered in the province of Formosa was reclassified by place of residence to the province of Buenos Aires.

In addition, 13 cases in the Falkland Islands are included in Tierra del Fuego, according to press information, due to the illegal occupation of the United Kingdom, Great Britain and Northern Ireland, it is not possible to have their own information on the impact of the Covid-19 in that part of the Argentine territory.

Morning report

According to the daily report provided by the Ministry of Health, the virus case fatality rate in the country is 2.1 percent and 26.6 people per million inhabitants died, according to authorities Carla Vizzotti, Secretary for Access to Health; Alejandro Costa, undersecretary of Health Strategies, and Alba Wheel, Undersecretary of Diversity Policies.

Since the epidemic began, 336,951 tests have been carried out throughout the country, 7,915 tests in the last 24 hours, Costa explained, giving the daily report. In turn, Vizzotti indicated that There are 523 patients in intensive care and 20,134 have already been discharged, almost 35 percent of the total cases.

Vizzotti recalled that “Argentina is among the three countries in the Americas with the lowest incidence, with fewer cases per 100,000 inhabitants and with less mortality per million inhabitants, along with Paraguay and Uruguay.”

Regarding the confirmed, 1,062 (1.8%) are imported, 20,807 (36%) are close contacts of confirmed cases, 24,743 (42.8%) are cases of community circulation and the rest are under epidemiological investigation. Of the total cases (57,744), 49.4% are women and 50.6% are men.

Vizzotti explained that the “actions taken today will be seen in two weeks”Because a person who becomes infected today “can have an incubation period of between two and fourteen days, the most common is around seven days.”

Thus, he assured that “the infections that we prevent today we will stop seeing in intensive care in 14 and 20 days. This is the reason why we take measures at this time so that they can always be timely and have a positive impact” .


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