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Coronavirus. In Angers, the CHU is ready in case…


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While China has announced the official death of a total of 132 patients, the Angers University Hospital has done everything in its power to prevent possible cases linked to the Chinese virus.

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Dr. Pierre Abgueguen, head of the infectious and tropical diseases department at the University Hospital of Angers, has just sent an alert to all the doctors at the hospital: “It is a way of giving answers to colleagues, some of whom are wonder about this new virus and how to take care of potential patients. »| WEST FRANCE

  • Dr. Pierre Abgueguen, head of the infectious and tropical diseases department at the University Hospital of Angers, has just sent an alert to all the doctors at the hospital: “It is a way of giving answers to colleagues, some of whom are wonder about this new virus and how to take care of potential patients. »| WEST FRANCE

Dr. Pierre Abgueguen, head of the infectious and tropical diseases department at the Angers University Hospital, talks about the measures taken by the hospital to deal with possible cases of the Chinese virus.


Dr Pierre Abgueguen, head of the infectious and tropical diseases department

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