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Coronavirus: Germany in a state of emergency – Horst Seehofer announces enormous restrictions

The corona crisis is causing special measures. Germany closes its borders. Horst Seehofer speaks in a press conference.

  • The Corona virus* deals with the Federal Republic.
  • Germany is therefore starting its Monday morning Borders to France, Austria, Denmark, Luxembourg and Switzerland tight.
  • Commented on Sunday evening Interior Minister Horst Seehofer (CSU). The press conference in the ticker for reading.

Coronavirus Germany: Spahn names measures

8:17 p.m .: The federal government has decided on new border regulations, which according to Federal Health Minister Jens Spahn (CDU) are necessary to actually limit social contacts as much as possible.
But how else does the social life of the Federal Republic go on? Regarding the closings of many facilities, Spahn said on Sunday: “Which I cannot rule out that we will take further measures.” The following facilities “will definitely stay open.”

  • Super Market
  • Pharmacies
  • Banks

They “ensure the basic supply” and therefore remain open. Also Drugstoree and Gas stations will most likely not closed.-

8.02pm: The Greens gave approval for the decision. It is simply a matter of “stopping the spread of the virus,” as Prime Minister Winfried Kretschmann in Baden-Württemberg emphasized. The border closure is the right means for this. With its borders with France and Switzerland, Baden-Württemberg is heavily affected by the border regulations.

7:35 p.m .: The press conference has ended. So there would be “temporary” controls on the borders with France, Austria, Switzerland, Denmark and Luxembourg. From Monday morning, all people who can show “no valid reason for travel” can no longer cross the border. These regulations do not apply to commuters who work outside Germany. Holidaymakers who are in appropriate areas are also allowed to return to the Federal Republic.

7:33 p.m .: Dieter Romann finally made it clear: “We don’t close borders, we only control them.”

Corona crisis in Germany – Seehofer: “Must assume that the peak has not yet been reached”

7:31 pm: Seehofer emphasized that Germany will probably be accompanying the corona virus for the next few months and makes it clear: “With all the crises I have experienced so far: That is fine by far the biggest challenge. “Furthermore,” we have to assume that the development has not yet reached its peak. “

7:28 p.m .: Seehofer is “grateful that we now have clarity on something that I have been fighting for since Friday.” You always have to “act in the interest of your own population”, also because a common, European solution currently does not seem to be foreseeable.

7:26 pm: When asked that Donald Trump wanted to use a possible vaccine from a German company exclusively, Seehofer said: “I can say that I have heard several times from government spokesmen today that this is true. We will discuss this tomorrow in the crisis team. “

7:24 pm: Seehofer cited Article 28 of the Schengen Borders Code as the legal basis for border closures. “It’s nice that you have such a basis, but at the moment the health of the population is paramount for me.” Even if there was no such legal basis, Germany could act accordingly in the event of an “emergency situation”.

7:22 pm: What is the number of infected people in the federal police? So far there have been four confirmed corona cases, but the number of infected officers is increasing every day, as Dieter Romann, President of the Federal Police Headquarters, explained.

Coronavirus: Test by Horst Seehofer negative – nonetheless avoidance of social contacts

7.20 p.m .: After contacting a person at risk, Horst Seehofer also had to undergo a corona test, which gave a negative result. He therefore also avoids social contacts. A ministry can “actually run at home,” said the interior minister.

7.18 p.m .: Seehofer also reaffirmed the Chancellor’s demands on the population. Social contacts should be minimized so that “the spread of the virus can be restricted.”

7.15 p.m .: According to Seehofer, the border regulations understand themselves as “partial reduction of social life.” The Federal Minister of the Interior referred to the Infection Protection Act.

7.12 p.m .: What rules apply to commuters? In this regard, Seehofer referred to an idea from Baden-Württemberg that there could be a special travel authorization by the employer, which the employees could place behind the windshield, for example. This proposal had “quite convinced the interior minister.”

7.10 p.m .: What do the border closures mean for travel connections by train and plane? A definitive answer to this will only come after a meeting with the Chancellor tomorrow.

Seehofer on the Corona crisis in Germany: Other borders could also be closed

7:08 p.m .: The interior minister did not rule out the possibility of closing further borders, such as those to Poland, the Czech Republic or the Netherlands. This had to be weighed up, one was in constant contact with the respective federal states in the border area of ​​the neighboring countries.

7:06 pm: Seehofer makes it clear: German holidaymakers who are currently in the relevant areas “have the right, of course, to return to their home country.”

7:05 p.m .: The border controls are said to have existed “temporarily”. From time to time, it is considered how the situation should be assessed.

7:03 p.m .: The new regulations affect “travelers without a valid reason for travel.” Commuters between national borders and the movement of goods are not affected.

7.02pm: It is about “interrupting the chain of infection” Therefore travel habits should be restricted.

Corona crisis: Germany is closing the borders – Seehofer speaks on PK plaintext

© dpa / Kay Nietfeld

Corona virus: Germany is closing the borders – also to Luxembourg and Denmark

7:01 p.m .: Seehofer confirms border controls! In addition to France, Austria and Switzerland, these would also apply in Luxembourg and Denmark. The regulations come into effect on Monday, 8 a.m.

19 o’clock: Horst Seehofer appears punctually at the press conference. The PK begins.

Update at 6:57 p.m .: It starts in a few minutes. Federal Interior Minister Horst Seehofer speaks in Berlin.

Berlin – That statements by authorities or politicians in times of Coronavirus pandemic* developments on Sunday showed quickly. Germany will close its borders with the three neighboring countries France, Austria and Switzerland from Monday. The federal government had previously advocated a common European solution.

Corona crisis: Germany closes borders – EU solution impossible

At the weekend there were more and more Countries of Europe affected by the corona virus, including neighboring countries of Germany, known to close their borders. Germany is now following suit.

Chancellor Angela Merkel, Bavaria’s prime minister, is interested in this Markus Söder, Federal Minister of the Interior Horst Seehofer, Baden-Württemberg Prime Minister Winfried Kretschmann and Saarland’s Prime Minister Tobias Hans agreed.

Corona crisis: Germany is closing the borders – what’s next? Seehofer speaks on PK

Whether Germany will close the borders to other neighboring countries in the future remains open. In times of corona* However, the assessment could change hourly: A government spokeswoman from Rhineland-Palatinate explained to the mirror in the afternoon, for example: “From the perspective of the Prime Minister (Malu Dreyer / SPD, editor’s note), it is very important that the federal states act together and find a solution with the federal government and in agreement with the neighboring states. For Rhineland-Palatinate, this is France, Belgium and Luxembourg. ”

Further border closings therefore seem quite possible. The general situation in the Federal Republic in terms of national borders will change from 7 p.m. Federal Minister of the Interior Horst Seehofer (CSU) express.

Why Bavaria has to prepare for a long, hard fight can be read in one Commentary from Merkur editor-in-chief Georg Anastasiadis*. After the government decided to close the borders, Anne Will asked herself in the evening: “How drastic must the measures be?”

*merkur.de is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network


List of rubric lists: © dpa / Jörg Carstensen

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