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Coronavirus, Galli: “The unnecessary will soon be removed: we stop the trend or we are in trouble”

“In the hospital I see the nurses discouraged, someone close to crying.” Massimo Galli, head of Infectious Diseases at the Sacco in Milan, takes stock of what is happening in Italy. “The situation is quite critical.” A certain bitterness emerges from the words.

I coronavirus infections and hospitalizations increase rapidly.
“A déjà vu that we would have gladly avoided. The psychological impact on health personnel is heavy ».
The speed with which the numbers grow is astonishing.
«The non-profane expected this. If a phenomenon takes a certain course, you can predict how it will continue and in what times. Without being a magician ».
Was the resurgence of the epidemic foreseeable?
“It was relatively clear that we would soon have a sad surprise. It is unacceptable that others would claim otherwise on the basis of nothing. Now either we find a way to stop the process or we’re in trouble. ‘
What triggered theincrease in cases?
“We would not be faced with the current need to tighten the rules if there had been a summer of another kind, with more attention to avoiding the transmission of the virus”.
A “too lively” summer.
«Several behaviors have been a driving force for the spread of the infection, even in Regions that had been spared in the first phase ».
Did the schools have an impact?
«The resumption of lessons in the classroom, with the consequent movement of people, partly contributed. It is unfortunate to say this but it is undeniable ».
In recent months, there has been talk of a new normal, or the possibility of continuing with life as always, as long as you follow some precautions. Now, however, the first limitations arrive.
“We are faced with a reality that forces us to understand that some things are beyond our reach now. I’m not talking about definitive renunciations: maybe in the future they will be possible again ».
We must resign ourselves to no longer playing soccer and to cancel the aperitif on the Navigli?
“Anything unnecessary will soon have to be out of the way.”

Will hospitals be able to manage a second wave of infections and all the other diseases at the same time?
“To restore the Covid departments, the volume of other activities must be reduced. In the short term the challenge of hospitals it will be this: to maintain patient care for other pathologies as much as possible. It is not easy and it is one of the aspects that worries me ».
Will there be the fear of getting infected in hospital again?
“Suspicion is returning among patients. I make an appeal to them: do not postpone the necessary treatments ».

October 17, 2020 (change October 17, 2020 | 23:45)


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