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Coronavirus, from shops to discos: thus “phase 2” will be staggered and divided by zones

First the companies, then the shops, bars and restaurants. In the end the places of fun. In government intentions, this could be the staggering of reopenings for phase 2, but nothing has yet been decided on the calendar. To give the go-ahead there must be the scientists’ ok. Because in any case we must prevent people from circulating freely again. We must prevent the fight against coronavirus so far from being frustrated. And then wait for the contagion index R0 to reach zero. That’s why in the evening, at the end of a day marked by continuous indiscretions on the dates of the restart, Palazzo Chigi branches out a note to explain that there are only hypotheses on the dates, escapes forward – in such a delicate moment – are likely to fuel chaos and confusion . Instead, the choice to proceed with a differentiated plan to be agreed with the governors is more concrete, maintaining at least the first few weeks prohibition to move from one region to another. It is not at all obvious that those who have had fewer cases of contagion decide to leave faster: the fact that the population has been less affected could indeed convince the presidents to keep it still closed.


We start from the companies, following the Inail table which classifies risk levels for employees. So already on Wednesday 22 April some companies could start again who will have demonstrated that they can comply with the rules: distancing of at least one meter, provision of protective devices such as gloves and masks, cleaning twice a day, dispenser of disinfectants at the entrances and near the computers , sanitization of ventilation systems, smart working for the largest number of employees, different times for others. S to the sectors of fashion, textiles, the production of motor vehicles and motorcycles, the treatment of waste. And then the construction sites, the quarries, the temporary agencies.


Stores will reopen later. If the epidemic curve continues to fall, already on May 4th. But you will have to avoid any kind of gathering, for this you will have to stagger the entrances: a customer and two workers for a local 40 square meters, if larger, separate entrances and exits, if smaller, maximum two people inside. The choice on the categories will be made in agreement with the governors and some regions may decide to postpone again just to avoid the creation of new outbreaks.

Aesthetics and well-being

Hairdressing and beauty shops will only be able to work by appointment – with an employee for a client – and will have to equip themselves with devices similar to those used in medical studies. Every object used must be sterilized. It is not excluded that reopenings are already assessed in the first ten days of May, conditioning them to the epidemic situation in the region.

Bars and restaurants

For these activities there will be a real revolution compared to what happened before Covid-19. The premises will have to be completely rearranged to maintain a distance that goes well beyond the meter for the seats and also for those approaching the counter a safety corridor must be provided. The most optimistic hypothesis speaks of the first reopening on 11 May, but many, including technicians and scientists, believe that it is too early. The hypothesis that a classification can be made for areas of Italy and in any case provide for a minimum capacity thanks to the spacing.

Cinemas and theaters

In the table that calculates the risk, artistic and entertainment activities are marked in red, with high hazard. Just like the arcades and other places for public events. There are those who consider it appropriate to postpone the recovery directly to September, those who think instead of opting for the outdoor arenas in order to support the sector albeit with a large spacing for seats and an online sale of tickets to avoid the queues at the entrance. a chapter that is addressed with the trade associations, above all to calculate which is the best way in terms of cost-benefits.

The gyms node

Also for this sector the maximum danger level. While the possibility of going dancing next summer is excluded, it is not obvious that the gyms will remain closed, even if the go-ahead for the return to activity would be conditioned by the distance between people and therefore assuming only individual training or lessons. In any case, avoiding that the younger ones – certainly less willing to keep their distance or to go around with gloves and masks – can stay very close and become a vehicle of contagion.

April 18, 2020 (change April 18, 2020 | 08:10)


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