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Coronavirus, Franceschini defends Conte from communication criticism: “He must be thanked, he has a responsibility never touched on his predecessors”

Once again the announcement of the new turning point, in the measures against coronavirus, comes at night. No longer deep, but still well after 23, after several postponements. And, for the second time below, the premier Giuseppe Conte speak on Facebook. A choice criticized by many, on social networks (many invite him to use the press room of Palazzo Chigi). And also in the political world. Criticisms that Dario Franceschini, Minister of Culture and head of the government delegation, tries to stop: “Since the beginning of the emergency I have done my duty in silence but now I want to say publicly that President Conte should be thanked for his work without stop, with on his shoulders a responsibility that no predecessor has ever had to carry “.

The first to take the field to criticize the premier is a member of the majority, Matteo Renzi (he had already done so yesterday against Minister Boccia for the mask attached to the ear): “We still have difficult days ahead – writes the leader of Italia Viva on social media – we respect the rules of the government on quarantine. But the government respects the rules of democracy. Parliament meets. And yes do press conferences, not Facebook shows: this is a pandemic, not Big Brother. ” A reference – not so veiled – to the participation in the program of Rocco Casalino, spokesman for the premier, many years ago.

The president of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella, in recent days he had invoked the collaboration between the majority and the opposition. But the tones of the leaders of the right today are very hard. Giorgia Meloni: “The methods of totalitarian regime communication used by the Government for the coronavirus emergency are intolerable: statements transmitted at improbable times, with continuous delays and through Giuseppe Conte’s personal page on Facebook, as if in Italy there were no institutions, television of state and the press. All this only worsens the sense of insecurity, anxiety and misunderstanding on the part of all of us. The Italians do not know which activities will be opened and which will be closed tomorrow, because nobody has seen a shred of decree.

IS Matteo Salvini: “Better late (too late) than ever, last night they listened to us, announcing yet another decree (which is not yet there), even if half of Italy wonders if tomorrow he will have to go to work or not,” says Salvini . “This is not the way to act and give certainties to the Italians”. Salvini, as had happened yesterday, appeals to Mattarella: “We officially ask President Mattarella to convene all the united oppositions, we strongly want, with heart and head, to make our contribution”. The leader of the League then said he was called by the head of state: “It was polite. We discussed how to collaborate and help Italy.

Returning to Conte’s communication, there is also a position taken by theOrder of journalists which calls for remote press conferences for the next occasions.

The government instead collects the approval of Giuseppe Sala, mayor of Milan, city decisive for the containment of the epidemic: “Two new ordinances have been issued, one by the Region, one by the Government. I think it is necessary that I tell you that I share the contents and I think it is right to behave in this way and stick to these rules, “he said.

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