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Coronavirus. Follow the situation in the world to the minute

The coronavirus outbreak has so far infected more than 81,000 people worldwide. Of that number, only about 30,000 recovered from the infection. There are already 2,762 people killed in the wake of Covid-19 globally, the majority in China. Meanwhile, in Portugal, there were already 17 suspected cases, all of which were negative.

09h48 – Portuguese infected in Japan is under monitoring

Adriano Maranhão’s wife, the Portuguese who is in Japan infected with the new coronavirus, confirmed to RTP that her husband is under “monitoring” and “observation”.

Adriano Maranhão returned to tests this Wednesday morning and, according to his wife Emmanuelle, the Japanese authorities have been monitoring the evolution of the clinical condition of the Portuguese patient.

09h44 – Iran registers 44 cases in 24 hours

Iran confirmed on Wednesday another 44 cases of coronavirus infection in just 24 hours, registering 139 cases in total. The death toll rose to 19.

In Kuwait, the Ministry of Health announced six new cases of coronavirus infection, bringing the total number to 18. These six cases concern citizens of Kuwait who have made trips to Iran.

09h37 – Blood reserves in China are in short supply

Blood reserves in China are increasingly depleted. Blood collection centers across the country are registering fewer and fewer donations, one of which has already issued a “red alert” for seeing your stock near of the end.

According to Chinese media, doctors and other health professionals have been donating blood to make up for the shortages.

“Blood reserves have reached the lowest level in history and the supply of blood for clinical use is facing an unprecedented challenge”, warned the collection center in the Chinese city of Jining in mid-February.

China’s hospitals have been postponing surgery in the hope that the epidemic will be brought under control soon, while cancer patients or those with blood-related illnesses take priority in transfusions.

09h20 – Cases in France increase to 17

France confirmed on Wednesday another three new cases of coronavirus infection, bringing the total number in the country to 17.

The French authorities also confirmed the second death following the infection. This is a patient who died in Paris.

09h00 – Madrid confirms second case

About ten hours after the first case of coronavirus infection was confirmed in Madrid, the second case was registered in the Spanish capital. The total number of infected people in Spain thus rises to ten.

Details on the most recent case are not yet known. Already the first infected in Madrid is a 24-year-old man who was traveling through northern Italy. The patient is in good condition, despite being hospitalized.

08h54 – DGS ensures that Portuguese hospitals are prepared for coronavirus escalation

The Director-General of Health explained to RTP the procedures in Portugal to prevent the arrival of the coronavirus and to provide an effective response when suspicious cases arise in the country. Graça Freitas guarantees that Portuguese hospitals are prepared for an eventual escalation of the epidemic.

Since the alert phase started in January, there are three hospitals in Portugal that are “permanently prepared” to receive suspected cases of infection for the new coronavirus, explained Graça Freitas.

Hospital de São João, in Porto, and Dona Estefânia and Curry Cabral, in Lisbon, are in the “first line” when it comes to an emergency in an epidemic, and have been sufficient considering the number of cases that have appeared.

If this epidemic escalates, the Directorate-General for Health has five more Portuguese hospitals prepared to receive suspected cases and infected patients.

As for border control, Graça Freitas considers that it “does not have many effects in detecting cases”, since people may be asymptomatic or even at the beginning of the infection’s incubation time.

Graça Freitas also admitted that the confirmed cases in Italy and in several European countries have scared the Portuguese.

8:50 am – Three thousand Hong Kong citizens in Hubei asked the government for help

The Hong Kong government revealed on Wednesday that some 3,000 of its citizens who are currently in Hubei province, the epicenter of the outbreak, have contacted him with requests for help to be repatriated.

These Hong Kong citizens have until Friday to submit formal requests for repatriation and the government of that region has clarified that all returnees must remain in quarantine for 14 days.

Hong Kong has so far confirmed 90 cases of coronaviruses, three of whom have already died.

08h40 – Brazil confirms first case

Brazil confirmed the first confirmed case of coronavirus infection. Its about a man who is in São Paulo and the doctors have decided that he can stay at home, without the need for hospitalization.

According to the newspaper Folha de São Paulo, “the patient is in good clinical condition and without the need for hospitalization, remaining in respiratory isolation that will be maintained for the next 14 days”.

The infected man was in Italy from 9 to 21 February, a period that coincided with the explosion of cases of infection in that European country.

08h31 – Macau reiterates imposing tests on all visitors from risk areas

“All visitors from areas of high incidence [como a Coreia do Sul e algumas províncias chinesas] can be subjected to medical examinations, at any time, at all border posts, without exception“, guaranteed the Government of Macau, in a statement.

These visitors are sent to one of the “two posts for medical examinations”.

Exams “take six to eight hours and, at least once every two hours, [esses indivíduos] will be evaluated by measuring body temperature, medical consultation and physical examination “, explained the Government.

Subsequently, they reinforced the authorities, “the treatment method for the examined individuals will be decided”, if it’s necessary.

The number of infected with the Covid-19 coronavirus in Macau has dropped to three after a new hospital discharge announced on Tuesday by the local Health Services.

Of the 10 cases recorded in Macau, this is the seventh patient to be discharged, with three other people remaining hospitalized.

08h21 – Cruise company accompanies infected Portuguese in Japan

Princess Cruises, the company that owns the ship Princess Princess, where a Portuguese man remained infected with Covid-19, said this Wednesday that he is in contact with Adriano Maranhão and the woman and that he will accompany him until he is repatriated.

“Princess Cruises can confirm that our medical crew support team is in contact with Adriano Maranhão and his wife. Due to privacy laws, we cannot disclose medical details, but we can confirm that Mr. Maranhão was transferred to a medical facility on land“, explained the company.

Our crew support team will keep in touch with him [Adriano Maranhão] and with your family to ensure you feel comfortable until you are repatriated“, he said.

Adriano Maranhão, a plumber on the cruise ship Diamond Princess, was transferred on Tuesday to a hospital in the city of Okazaki, Japan, after Japanese authorities confirmed on Saturday that the Portuguese had tested positive for the Covid-19 coronavirus.

08h00 – Negative analyzes of the 17th suspected case in Portugal

The 17th suspected case of coronavirus in Portugal was negative. This is a patient who was referred to the Curry Cabral Hospital in Lisbon on Tuesday.

“The Directorate-General for Health (DGS) informs that the 17th suspected case of infection with a new coronavirus (Covid-19), a patient who was referred yesterday to the Curry Cabral Hospital (…), had a negative result after laboratory analysis by the National Institute of Health Dr. Ricardo Jorge (INSA), with two negative biological samples ”, informed the DGS in a statement.

The entity has already confirmed that the 16th suspected case of coronavirus in Portugal also had a negative result. This is a patient who had been referred to the Hospital de São João, in Porto.

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