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Coronavirus epidemic – New carriers of the virus on the rise

The results of the coronavirus from a fortnight ago are now available. Three hundred and twenty-four new cases were noted.

The Directorate of Health Watch and Epidemiological Monitoring and Response (DVSSER) to the Ministry of Public Health announces an increase in new carriers of the Covid-19 virus, especially in Antananarivo, on Friday. She did not give details, but the quantified toll during the week of February 20 to 26, which was only made public this weekend, revealed that three hundred and twenty four people were detected with the Covid virus – 19, during this period. In the week of February 13 to 19, two hundred and thirty new carriers of the virus were identified. Statistics on Covid-19 between February 27 and March 5 have not yet been released, if they should be made public this weekend.

The DVVSER says that Antananarivo is the epicenter of the epidemic, with one hundred and eighty-four new cases detected, between February 20 and 26. Hence the punch operation organized by fifteen teams from the Ministry of Public Health, since Friday. “The aim is to follow up on positive cases, and examine people who have come into contact with them to reduce the risk of the virus spreading,” explains Dr Manuella Christophère Vololoniaina Nivoarisoa.

Three hundred deaths

This punching operation will be implemented in other regions where an increase in cases is noted, such as Diana, which has 42 new cases, Antsinanana, with 22 new cases. Boeny and Vakinankaratra each have fourteen new cases. New carriers of the Covid-19 virus have also been identified in Menabe, Analanjirofo, Matsiatra Ambony, Amoron’i Mania, Ihorombe, Atsimo Andrefana, Sava.

Twenty-nine people presented with severe forms of the disease towards the end of February, with three deaths recorded. With these cases, Madagascar reached the milestone of three hundred coronavirus-related deaths and exceeded the milestone of twenty thousand confirmed cases. Three hundred patients are undergoing treatment.

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