Home » today » Health » Coronavirus emergency: here are the regions that change color and turn from red to orange. – AssoCareNews.it

Coronavirus emergency: here are the regions that change color and turn from red to orange. – AssoCareNews.it

The Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, signs a new ordinance which establishes the orange area for the Regions of Calabria, Lombardy and Piedmont and the yellow area for the Regions of Liguria and Sicily. The ordinance will be in effect from 29 November.

After the ordinance for the passage of 3 regions to the orange band and 2 to the yellow one, Italy looks like this: the orange regions are Calabria, Lombardy, Piedmont, Emilia Romagna, Marche, Umbria, Basilicata, Puglia, FVG.

The yellow ones: Liguria, Sicily, Sardinia, Lazio, Molise, Veneto, Autonomous Province of Trento. They are red: the autonomous province of Bolzano, Tuscany, Abruzzo, Campania, Valle d’Aosta.


Renewed the measures for Campania, Emilia Romagna, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Marche and Tuscany. The Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, will in fact sign a new ordinance renewing the restrictive measures in force relating to these regions. The ordinance is valid until 3 December 2020.

“In a situation where the virus exists and is still dangerous, we must reiterate and insist because those attentive and respectful behaviors must still be maintained. We need to make citizens understand that the free all season has not begun ”, said the president of the Lombardy Region, Attilio Fontana, during a press point, confirming that from Sunday Lombardy will become the orange zone. “It is very positive news – added the governor – we must consolidate it and make further steps forward. First of all, thanks to the Lombards, because if this has been achieved it is thanks to the respect of the rules that have been maintained in recent weeks ”.

The transition of Piedmont to the orange zone is “positive news that is the result of many sacrifices by the Piedmontese and the great work of our health system”. The president of the Piedmont Region, Alberto Cirio, comments on the exit from the red zone. “An important step because it will allow many of our commercial activities to reopen this Sunday – he adds – but we must live with a great sense of responsibility. We cannot waste this great effort, we cannot afford to go back. The path is the right one, we continue to follow it together with a sense of responsibility and prudence ”.

“Yesterday we hospitalized a citizen of Biella because so many resuscitations in Piedmont were saturated. Today we deduce (no communications arrive from Rome) that we will remain the red zone and at the moment we do not know why. Rome must give us clear answers, this is not seriousness ”. The president of the Valle d’Aosta Region Erik Lavevaz writes on twitter, in controversy with the government’s choice not to reclassify the region in the orange zone.

“These are busy hours: we were in consultation with our experts to evaluate the epidemiological curve to evaluate the next future scenarios. Today is Friday and as you know there is weekly monitoring. In the afternoon we will have some news ”, premier Giuseppe Conte said at the“ Generation energy ”event, connecting after the meeting with the majority delegation heads, in the presence of Franco Locatelli and Silvio Brusaferro.

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